2017-08-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/655182摘要:隨著風能及太陽能等再生能源的興起,新的電網架構將從集中轉為離散,儲能設備的需求漸漸浮現;國際研究單位預估,儲能相關產業未來十年將有超過二十倍的成長。例如日本在福島核災後為支應供電不足問題,已開始增加補助家用儲能產品購置,而家用儲電市場以成本與安全考量為先。鉛酸蓄電池的安全穩定性與性價比使其在特定市場獨佔,但其循環壽命較短、不適深度放電等性能限制了其應用範圍。不過鉛酸電池系統在歷經一百五十年後有新的突破-鉛酸液流電池。鉛酸液流電池除了具有安全及性價比高等特性外,其液流電池架構易於模組化,在未來定置型儲能市場潛力極大。不過目前其技術尚未成熟,仍面臨循環壽命不足及成本仍高等困難。 有鑑於鉛酸液流電池在定置型儲能市場的潛力,本研究擬投入研發仟瓦小時級鉛酸液流電池,以家用儲能系統為目標市場,並規劃了三個研究主軸:(一)提高儲能效率與循環壽命;(二)研發低成本元件與量產製程;(三)鉛酸液流電池大型化及模組化。我們期望經由本計畫的執行,達成提升鉛酸液流電池充放電循環壽命、提高其充放電庫侖及儲能效率,及降低鉛酸液流電池生產成本等目的。最終以商業化鉛酸液流電池為目標,並進一步深耕台灣綠能產業,提供在地製造的機會。<br> Abstract: Along with the emerging of renewable energy sources including wind and solar, the power grid structure is changing from the centralized system to a distributed one, and the demand of energy storage is increasing. Pike research has predicted a 20-fold increase in 10 years of the energy storage market. After Fukushima nuclear disaster, in order to resolve the power shortage issue Japanese government has established funding to reimburse people who purchased residential energy storage systems. The most important concern for residential energy storage, however, is its safety and cost. The lead acid battery has been dominating in some niche markets for its excellent safety and cost/performance ratio, but its application is also limited by the short cycle life and inability for deep discharge cycling. There has been a new breakthrough of the lead acid battery technology after 150 years – the lead-acid redox flow battery (LARFB). In addition to good safety and C/P ratio, the LARFB is easier to modularize due to its redox-flow-battery structure and is inherently suited for stationary energy storage. However, there are still technological difficulties facing the LARFB, including the short cycle life and relatively high cost. Acknowledging its great potential to be popular in stationary storage market, this research aims to develop the kilowatt-hour scale lead-acid redox flow battery, by which we target the residential energy storage market. There are three directions of research we plan to pursue: (1) increase energy efficiency and extend cycle life of the LARFB; (2) reduce component cost and develop mass-production techniques; (3) scale up and modularize the LARFB. We hope to achieve the goals of cycle life extension, coulomb and energy efficiency increase, and cost reduction of the LARFB after execution of this project. Ultimately, we expect to facilitate commercialization of the LARFB, and in turn to cultivate green industries and promote local production after this effort.液流電池鉛酸家用儲能智慧電網redox flow batterylead acidhome energy storagesmart grid仟瓦小時級家用儲能鉛酸液流電池開發