莊正民Min, Chuang Cheng-臺灣大學:國際企業學研究所盧力誠Lukas, KurtKurtLukas2010-05-112018-06-292010-05-112018-06-292008U0001-0608200811120000http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/182551本篇論文藉由現有的國際化理論來定義奧地利人造板產業之關鍵成功因素。在學理上的架構將以競爭優勢做為決定因素,同時在競爭優勢方面更包含關於永續發展的問題與解決辦法。本篇論文從區域集群效應和網路鑲嵌理論出發,接著探討針對國際化所應採取的不同策略,以及國際間的協同合作和國際競爭的模式。接著綜合Uppsala學派的觀點和全球化時代下因距離所造成的種種要素來進行探討。者以台灣廠商的例子為基礎進行研究,研究目的是最終獲得持續性出口的奧地利製人造板。研究方法藉由貿易流量資料分析和個別的電訪之後,結果發現與供應商間維持合作和網路鑲嵌可達到國際化擴張的競爭性利基優勢,而筆者所描述之奧地利製人造板製造商的成功因素也可由Porter的鑽石模型得到應證。論文結果發現,即使當輸入至台灣全世界的木材和人造板減少,但奧地利進口的「高科技」人造板數量仍舊持續增加中。The present paper analyses the available theories of internationalization in order to define the key success factors of the Austrian wood based panel industry. he theoretical framework encompasses the determinants of competitive advantage, as well as sustainability problems and shifts in competitive advantages. We will mention the effects of clusters and network embeddedness. The next step will lead us to different sets of strategies for going international, the global coordination and patterns of international competition. The Uppsala Model, as well as the different factors of distance in a globalized world will have our attention.e will conducts this research based on the example of Taiwan, a destination of constant exports of “Made in Austria” wood based panels. The empirical study, based on trade flow analysis and individual telephone interviews, will show that cooperation and network embeddedment with supplier industries give a main competitive edge for national and international expansion and Porter’s Diamond Model reveals the underlying factors for the success of Austria’s wood – based panel producers. e will find out that, even when global sourcing of wood and wood based panel products to Taiwan decreases, imports of Austria’s “high-tech” - boards are still on the rise.Abstract……………5able of Contents……………8ist of Charts……………13ist of Tables……………15ist of Figures……………16bbreviations……………17hapter I Introduction……………19.1. The Austrian Forestry Management……………21.1.1. A Trend - Setter in Policy Measures……………22.1.2. Supportive and Impeding Factors for a Sustainable Forest Management Policy……………23.1.3. Implementations for Improving Sustainable Forest Management……………24.1.4 Certification of Austrian Forests and Wood……………24.1.5. Ecological Perspective of Wood……………25.1.6. Ownership……………26.2. The Austrian Wood Industry……………27.2.1. Wood Production……………27.2.2. Foreign Trade……………30.2.3. Wood Industry Structure……………32.2.3.a Sawmill Industry……………33.2.3.b Construction Industry……………34.2.3.c Furniture Industry……………35.2.3.d Board Industry – Wood Based Panels……………36.2.3.d 1. Why Using Wood Based Panels……………36.2.3.d 2. How are these Panels made……………37.2.3.d 3. The Market and its Products……………37.2.3.e Ski Industry……………43.2.3.f Mixed Industries……………43.2.3.g Paper and Pulp Industry……………43.2.4. The Emancipation of Wood in Different Industry Segments……………43.2.5. Why to go for Wood as Material of Preference……………44.2.6. Austrian Wood Research……………45.2.6.a Advantages of Wood Plastic Composites……………46.3. Natural Resources, the new Challenges to Globalization……………47.4. Taiwan’s Forest and Wood Industry……………48.4.1. Cultural Tendencies……………50.5 Bilateral Trading Austria and Taiwan……………51hapter II Internationalization Theories……………62he Competitive Advantage of Firms in Global Industries……………62.1. Determinants of National Competitive Advantage – orter’s Diamond……………62.1.a. Points of Criticism (Dunning, Rugman & D’Cruz and rugman)……………65oundations.2. The National Embeddedness……………66.2.1. Back to the Roots……………66.2.2 The Impact of National Circumstances……………67.2.3 Productivity, the Mother of Success……………68.2.4. Types of Competitive Advantages……………68.2.5. Where do Competitive Advantages come from……………69.2.6. More Thoughts: Comparative Advantage……………70 .2.7. Related Thought of Vernon’s Product Life – CycleTheory……………70.2.8. The Value Chain Theory……………70.2.8.a Interdependencies through Linkages……………71.2.9..Domestic Rivalry……………71.2.10. The Five Competitive Forces that Determine Industry Competition……………72.2.11..Causes for Shifts of Competitive Advantage………………72.2.12.Why is it Hard to Act Sustainable Competitive……………73.2.13. Clusters, another Organizational Form……………74.2.13.a Advantages of Clusters……………75.3. The International Embeddedness……………75.3.1. Strategies of Going International……………75.3.2 Motives for Going International……………78.3.3.The Uppsala Model (Johanson & Wiedersheim)……… ……79.3.3.a Dynamic Model (Johanson & Vahlne)………………80.3.4. Variations in International Strategies……………82.3.5. Global Coordination……………84.3.6. Patterns of International Competition……………85.3.7. Drivers for Internationalization……………87.3.8. Globalization Strategies for Small and Medium ized Firms……………87.3.9. Global Strategy……………88.3.10.Countries, the Global Platforms……………88.3.11.Why does severe Local Competition benefit International Success……………88.3.12. Strategic Implications of Globalization……………89.3.13. Outlook for Global Strategy……………89.3.14 Dimensions of Distance in the Process of Expansion……………89.3.15. The Organizational Challenge of Managing Globaperations……………92hapter III Empirical Study.1. Process……………94.1.1. Decision Factors……………95.2. Results……………100.2.1 Practical Application of Porter’s Diamond to the Case of Austria’s Wood – Based Panel Industry……………101.2.1. a No cluster, but network embeddedness!!……………105.2.2 Low Profile and Competitive Forces……………107.2.3. Differentiation from Competitors……………108.2.4. Impact of Austria’s Domestic Rivalry……………108.2.5. The Value Chain Theory in board industry……………109.2.6. Causes of Shifts of Competitive Advantages……………110.2.7. Innovative Pressures ……………110.2.8 Strategies of Going International……………111.2.9. Drivers for Internationalization……………112.2.10 Strategies for Small and Medium Sized Firms……………113.2.11. Distance in the Process of Expansion……………113.2.12 The impact of the Uppsala Model……………114hapter IV Conclusion.1. A Short Recall of Underlying Aspects……………115.2 Correlation between Theory and Study……………125.3 Where to go from here……………131ppendix.1 Examples of wood research institutes in Austria……………133.2. SWOT Analysis of Austrian Forest, - and Wood Industry……………136ibliography……………139application/pdf1498387 bytesapplication/pdfen-US奧地利人造板產業wood - based panelsAustrian Wood Industry奧地利人造板產業國際競爭力之研究─應用於臺灣人造板產業The International Competitiveness of theustrian Wood -Based Panel Industry ith Regard to Taiwanthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/182551/1/ntu-97-R95724090-1.pdf