曾郁仁博士臺灣大學:商學研究所碩士在職專班財務金融組林毓棠Lin, Yu-TangYu-TangLin2007-12-032018-06-292007-12-032018-06-292005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/63787信用卡產業在台灣的發展已經超過二十年,但絕大多數發卡機構並沒有建立足夠的專業知識以及經營管理能力,以致其信用卡業務嚴重缺乏核心競爭力。同時金融機構經常在激烈的市場競爭壓力下過度放鬆授信標準,浮濫發卡的結果產生消費者信用大幅擴張的現象,造成整體信用風險的惡化。過去幾年來,國內信用卡的放款餘額以每年成長逾30%的速度激增,債務快速累積的同時,壞帳問題也日趨惡化。2005年全年,國內信用卡業者總計轉銷呆帳的金額達到482.7億,比同年6月底增加303.2億,增加幅度達169%。面對逾期放款比率持續攀升、轉銷呆帳金額激增、備抵呆帳提列不斷增加的現象,多數體質不良的發卡銀行已明顯曝露出嚴重的財務風險。 中小型發卡機構由於不具規模經濟、缺乏管理客戶以及控制風險的專業能力,信用卡業務經常處於長期虧損的狀況。目前這一波因為卡債所產生的風暴只是個開端,面對嚴峻的市場環境與挑戰,中小型發卡機構應該嚴肅思考,如何不讓銀行整體的獲利性持續受缺乏經營效益的信用卡業務影響,進而損害銀行的財務結構以及股東權益。 本研究根據研究生在國內信用卡業界超過10年的工作經驗,提出明確的業務策略方向,以及一個在策略聯盟架構下具體可行的「信用卡業務代理營運模式」,為中小型發卡機構解決長期虧損的問題。本研究亦參考金管會所揭露的公開資訊,運用資料交差分析的方式,指出目前市場上那些發卡機構應該考慮採行「信用卡業務代理營運模式」。Credit card industry had emerged in Taiwan for 20 years; however, most of the credit card issuers are lack of core competitiveness since they didn’t build up expertise as well as necessary business management skills on their credit card business. Furthermore, financial institutions would loosen their credit policy in order to confront competitions in the highly competitive market. With excessive cards issued, consumers’ credits are over expanded, and this development worsens the overall credit risk. In the past few years, the revolving balance grows 30% years on year, however the credit card write-offs is also in sharp deterioration along with the growth of revolving balance. In the year of 2005, the yearly write-offs even reached NT$ 48.27 billion, it’s NT$ 30.32 billion higher than the first half of year with 169% growth. Facing the problems of accelerating credit loss, excessive write-offs and sharp step up in provisioning, many credit card issuers are at the risk of severe financial problems. Without the economies of scale as well as the expertise on cardholder management and risk control, the medium and small credit card issuers are often in the deficit. The problem of credit card debt is just a preface to the financial turmoil. Under the severe and challenging situation, medium and small credit card issuers should deliberate to protect their financial structure and stockholders’ equity from the impact of their non-profitable credit card business. Experienced in credit card industry for more than 10 years, the researcher suggests a practical business model - Cards Agent Banking, based on a concept of strategic alliance, for medium and small credit card issuers to solve their long-term problem of deficit. This research analyzed the public statistic information of Financial Supervisory Committee to identify potential credit card issuers who should take “Cards Agent Banking” to solve their financial problems.第一章 緒論…………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究背景……………………………………………… 1 第二節 研究動機……………………………………………… 8 第三節 研究目的……………………………………………… 9 第二章 信用卡文獻回顧與產業探討………………………… 10 第一節 信用卡介紹…………………………………………… 10 第二節 國內信用卡產業發展現況…………………………… 27 第三節 國內信用卡產業面臨之問題………………………… 36 第三章 探討成功營運信用卡業務之主要因素……………… 47 第一節 市場與產品區隔……………………………………… 47 第二節 客戶資料採礦………………………………………… 49 第三節 信用風險管理………………………………………… 52 第四節 小結…………………………………………………… 56 第四章 信用卡業務代理營運模式之探討…………………… 57 第一節 信用卡全球市場趨勢………………………………… 57 第二節 信用卡業務代理營運模式及運作…………………… 58 第三節 信用卡業務代理營運的潛在市場規模……………… 65 第四節 信用卡業務代理營運對發卡行之效益分析…… 71 第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………… 75 第一節 結論…………………………………………………… 75 第二節 建議…………………………………………………… 76 參考文獻 ………………………………………………………… 78711255 bytesapplication/pdfen-US策略聯盟代理營運市場區隔資料採礦信用風險管理strategic allianceagent bankingmarket segmentationdata miningcredit risk management在台灣發展信用卡業務代理營運模式的營運計劃Development of a Business Plan for Credit Card Agent Banking Model in Taiwan Marketotherhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/63787/1/ntu-94-P93745013-1.pdf