連韻文2006-07-252018-06-282006-07-252018-06-282005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/9750我們過去研究顯示能從新角度檢視現有證據而修正原假設才是律則發現作業--「246 問題」成敗的關鍵,而非否證訊息或假設總數。此外,這種「新角度假設」與問題解決中的創意有關。本研究進一步探討影響新角度假設產出的因素--知識以及認知抑制。結果顯示,過多的相關知識反而有礙新角度假設的產生,認知抑制功能的高低則與新角度假設的產生無關,但與發散性思考能力成反比。Our past study showed that the number of the so-called “new-perspective hypotheses” generated during the process of discovering a rule was the key factor to the success of the 246 task. We also showed that the “new-perspective hypotheses” could be a good index of creativity in terms of generating new idea under constraints.. The current project aimed at finding out the factors that influence the generation of new-perspective hypotheses. Besides working memory, two other plausible candidates, prior knowledge and cognitive inhibition were tested. The results showed that too much related knowledge hindered the generation of new-perspective hypotheses. Cognitive inhibition was only related to creativity measured by divergent thinking task, but not to the creativity required during solving an insight problem.application/pdf265932 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學心理學系暨研究所規則發現新角度假設創造力先前知識認知抑制什麼因素影響創意想法的產出?探討知識與認知抑制對新角度假設產生的影響reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/9750/1/932511S002007.pdf