電機資訊學院: 資訊網路與多媒體研究所指導教授: 洪一平黃大源Huang, Da-YuanDa-YuanHuang2017-03-062018-07-052017-03-062018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275679沉浸式多媒體系統旨在提供使用者身歷其境的互動體驗。為了提供 使用者直覺、易學的互動操作,現今的多媒體互動系統多採用指觸輸 入介面。然而,介面配置乃是隨著輸入裝置的形狀排列,而非使用者 手指與裝置的空間關係,使得部分介面難以觸及,遭成輸入可得性之 不足。再者,常見的指觸介面一般單純將手指數位化成二維單點,提 供有限的輸入表達性。受限的輸入因此降低了互動時的沉浸感。本論 文之主旨便是在於探索如何將人體工學納入觸控介面設計時的考量, 強化其輸入表達性與可得性。研究使用者的使用介面時的手指可動範 圍,則能夠幫助我們改進介面的空間配置,增強輸入可得性。而人體 精密且多維度的特性可被用於增加手指輸入時的表達性。本論文探討 多種指觸介面,包括行動裝置、穿戴型裝置、以及身體輸入介面等。 我們針對每一種觸控介面使用時的特性,討論如何考量人體工學重新 設計,並提出設計準則與原型系統。我們的研究結果能夠益於現有的 指觸介面,強化輸入的表達性與可得性。其研究結果更能益於使用指 觸介面的沉浸式多媒體系統。使用者得以快速完成輸入,將注意力放 在多媒體內容上,維持其沉浸感。Immersive multimedia systems aim to provide users with immersive experiences, and usually adopt touch interface for intuitive and learnable control. However, the layout of touch widgets is usually arranged without considering the spatial relationship between the device and the human body, yielding some widgets hard to be accessed. Therefore, the availability of finger input is sometimes restricted. Furthermore, contemporary touch interface digitizes fingers as simplistic two-dimensional input, offering limited expressivity of finger input. The insufficiencies might degrade the immersivity during multimedia interactions. In this dissertation, we aim to enhance finger touch by considering the ergonomic factors. The additional degree of freedom of our sophisticated body can be captured and formed into extra input expressivity. By understanding the anatomy and motor capability of our body, we can improve the layout design for more reachable interfaces. Also, the additional degree of freedom of our sophisticated body can be captured and formed into extra input expressivity. Different touch user interfaces are addressed, including mobile, wearable, and on-body interfaces. We propose the design guidelines and prototype systems for the addressed finger touch interfaces. Our research results not only benefit the finger touch interface, but also help future designers to design better multimedia system using finger touch input.106991735 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/9/13論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)人體工學指觸介面輸入表達性輸入可得性沉浸式多媒體互動ergonomicfinger touchexpressivityavailabilityimmersive multimedia interaction探索指觸輸入介面以增強沉浸式多媒體互動Exploring Finger Touch Interface for Enhancing Immersive Multimedia Interactionsthesis10.6342/NTU201601109http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275679/1/ntu-105-D99944006-1.pdf