國立臺灣大學資訊工程學系Jih, Wan-RongWan-RongJihChen, Ying-PingYing-PingChenHsu, Yung-JenYung-JenHsu2006-09-272018-07-052006-09-272018-07-052006-10-24http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/20060927122918492158In this paper we investigate genetic algorithms as a search technique for obtaining near optimal solutions to the “single-vehicle pickup and delivery problem with time windows and capacity constraints” (single-operators, order crossover (OX), uniform order-based crossover (UOX), Merge Cross #1 (MX1) and Merge Cross #2 (MX2). The results of our experiments show that UOX and MX1 are suitable for the single-vehicle PDPTW, but OX and MX2 are not. In the future, we will lay more emphasis on UOX and MX1 for searching better solutions.application/pdf190642 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TWA Comparative Study of Genetic Algorithms for Vehical Routing with Time Constraintsotherhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/20060927122918492158/1/ics96.pdf