理學院: 心理學研究所指導教授: 雷庚玲林楷潔Lin, Kai-ChiehKai-ChiehLin2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/272064華人父母對孩子學習的重視往往自學齡前期便已開始,並顯露於其與孩童的互動行為上。這些行為不但可能與華人家長之能力與努力信念有關,也可能與其如何看待自己的孩子在氣質上的學習潛力有關。本研究以學齡前親子共讀為媒介,探討在親子共讀這樣一個可被視為親子溝通與分享情緒的管道、亦可被視為提供了豐富的語言、認知、道德、及生活常規的刺激供孩童學習的情境,華人母親如何展露其「以父母為中心」之行為、「以兒童為中心」之行為、與在華人制式教育中常見的傳統教學行為;以及這些共讀中的行為與母親的信念及其對孩童氣質的印象有何關聯性。有鑑於華人社會高度重視努力價值,甚至超越智力,本研究除了納入西方成就信念中的「智力本質觀」外,也納入「努力永遠有用」、「努力本質觀」,以檢測母親之內隱努力信念與其共讀行為的關係。 本研究延續Wu、Lay、及Huang(2016)以時間取樣觀察法所採集之臺灣地區50對4-5歲學齡前兒童的母親之兒童中心、父母中心、及傳統華人教學等三類共讀行為,並邀請母親填寫上述三種成就信念之問卷與測量氣質之兒童行為量表-極短版(CBQ-VSF;Putnam & Rothbart, 2006)。階層迴歸分析顯示,在排除母親教育程度與兒童性別的效果後,(1)智力本質觀對母親之共讀行為沒有顯著預測力。(2)越相信「努力永遠有用」的母親,若覺知孩童的主動控制、活動量、專注度、抑制控制等氣質之表現與學習情境不適配時,會展現較多華人傳統填鴨、命令、反覆精熟的教學行為;而越覺知孩童較不偏好與共讀類似的「靜態活動」的母親,則越少展現以兒童為中心的行為。(3)越相信「一個人能夠努力的程度是無法改變的本質」的母親,覺知孩童專注度較弱時,傾向展現較少規範性的父母中心行為,也較少展現華人傳統教學行為;其覺知孩童的活動量較低時則較少呈現兒童中心行為;而當抱持努力本質觀的母親覺知孩童容易因為無法完成工作而沮喪時,則會傾向減少傳統式的教學行為。亦即,本研究發現,越內化努力永遠有用信念的母親似乎在孩子學齡前階段便已開始實踐華人文化勤勞苦練的學習精神;而相信孩子能夠更加努力的程度是有限的母親,則對於其認為學習潛力不適配於共讀情境的兒童較不會採取嚴管勤教的策略。綜言之,本研究顯示了華人母親早在對學齡前幼兒的互動方式,即已呈現了文化特色。As early as in preschool period, Chinese parents have already placed a high value on learning and reveal their emphasis in the way they interact with their child. These interactive behaviors that parents display may not only correspond with their beliefs concerning ability and effort but also associate with the adaptability of their child’s temperament in learning contexts. In Chinese culture, shared-reading is often regarded as more than just a channel for parent-child communication and emotion sharing, for it also provides fruitful language, cognitive, moral, and conventional knowledge and stimulation for children to learn. This study thus attempted to describe the Child-Centered Behaviors (CCB), Parent-Centered Behaviors (PCB), and Traditional Chinese Teaching Behaviors (TCTB) that mothers of Chinese preschoolers display during a shared-reading context as well as to test how these behaviors are associated with maternal beliefs, which included the Entity View of Intelligence (EVI; Dweck & Leggett, 1988), the Pragmatic Concepts of Effort (PCE; Lay & Tsai, 2005), and the Entity View of Effort (EVE; Lay & Tsai, 2005). Furthermore, how perceived child temperament was accounted for in the relation between mothers’ beliefs and behaviors was also tested. This study adopted the video-recorded data of shared reading collected and coded by Wu, Lay, and Huang (2016). Fifty 4- to 5-year old preschoolers and their mothers participated in the study and the maternal behaviors of CCB, PCB, and TCTB were coded using time-sampling method. Mothers also filled up questionnaires for EVI, PCE and EVE and Children''s Behavior Questionnaire-very short forms (CBQ-VSF; Putnam & Rothbart, 2006) for the assessment of temperament. After controlling for maternal educational level and child’s gender, the results of hierarchical regression analyses revealed that (1) neither the main effect of EVI nor the interaction between EVI and temperament could predict the three types of maternal behaviors. (2) The mothers who held stronger belief in PCE were more likely to display Traditional Chinese Teaching Behaviors if they also perceived their child being less likely to be adaptive during learning in terms of the temperament indices of effortful control, activity level, attentional focusing, or inhibitory control. Mothers holding stronger PCE were also less likely to display Child-Centered Behaviors if they perceived their child as lacking interest in quiet activities. (3) Mothers holding stronger EVE were less likely to display TCTB or Parent-Centered Behavior if they perceived their child as low in the temperament indicator of attentional focusing. Those mothers were also less likely to display TCTB if they perceived their child as seeming to feel depressed when unable to accomplish some task. Moreover, those mothers were also less likely to show CCB if they perceived their child being low in activity level. On the whole, this study demonstrated that Chinese maternal pragmatic concept of effort has already been put into practice in preschool period. The connection between PCE and maternal behaviors is revealed particularly when their child’s temperament is simultaneously accounted for. Furthermore, the entity view of effort keeps Chinese mothers from implementing power-assertion, non-responsiveness, and the teaching styles that emphasizing correction and repetitiveness especially when their child’s temperament is perceived as less adaptive in shared-reading context. In sum, cultural specificity has already been realized in mother-child interaction for Chinese families as early as in preschool period.2983606 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/8/25論文使用權限: 同意無償授權智力內隱理論努力永遠有用努力本質觀學齡前兒童親子共讀氣質兒童中心行為父母中心行為Implicit theory of intelligencepragmatic concepts of effortentity view of effortpreschoolershared-readingtemperamentchild-centered behaviorsparent-centered behaviors華人母親在親子互動中的傳統教學行為:以共讀情境為例Chinese Mothers’ Practice of Traditional Teaching Behaviors During Mother-Child Interactions: An Example from Shared-Reading Contextthesis10.6342/NTU201603011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/272064/1/ntu-105-R02227121-1.pdf