法律學院: 法律學研究所指導教授: 林彩瑜楊牧軒Yang, Mu-HsuanMu-HsuanYang2017-03-032018-07-052017-03-032018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273454 國際投資保障協定與投資仲裁,以「保護投資」為目的賦予投資人投資保障之權利,得免於受地主國的不當干預和徵收。然而,隨著國際投資協定的蓬勃發展,投資協定已不再僅限「投資事項」,投資人往往挑戰地主國的規範與政策,涵括人權、環境、衛生等高度涉及國家公共利益法律之規範。地主國的任何公權力行為皆可能為投資仲裁的審查標的,嚴重衝擊地主國的規範主權。此外,在投資仲裁僅賦予投資人單方向地主國提付仲裁機制的權利,卻未課予投資人相對應的義務。相對的,地主國僅具有應訴的義務,無對等得以主張的權利,面對投資人不法侵害人權或破壞環境行為時,地主國亦無從置喙,無法讓投資人為其行為負責,被視為「不對等權利義務」的協定。 本文將從建構投資人於國際投資法下之地位,試圖論證投資人為享有權利負擔義務之國際法實體,進而分析投資人於違反地主國法律之不法行為責任,以及論投資人在國際法義務下之責任建構,最後回應目前投資協定與實務運行之不足之處,試圖提出平衡地主國與投資人權利義務之國際投資協定範本,作為立法論之建議。The purpose of the International Investment Agreement (IIAs) and investment arbitration is created to protect investor’s investment from Host State’s unlawful intervention and expropriation. However, as the system developed and evolved, it no longer limited to “investment dispute”. Instead, investors often challenge the Host State’s legislation on human rights, environment, public health protection, which highly involved State’s public policy. Any public authority measures may be regard as subject to the investment arbitration dispute, which highly impact on Host State’s policy and regulatory space. Moreover, Investment arbitration grant investor the right to protect investment and the right to arbitrate, however without imposing any responsibilities to the investors. In contrast, the Host State only bares the obligation without having corresponding rights under the agreement. When facing the Investor illegal conduct or violation of human rights measures, there’s no corresponding rights for Host States to exercise under IIAs. The investment system also be regard as “lack of asymmetry of rights and obligation”. In this dissertation, it will first attempt to establish the investor’s legal status under international investment law, arguing that the investor is an international entity which have the capacities to enjoy rights and bare responsibilities. Second, it will further analyze the responsibilities on investor illgal conduct of violating the Host State’s law, and establishing the investor’s obligations under International law. In the end, in response to the current system’s issues and challenges, the thesis provides a balance model of International Investemnt Agreement as the final suggestion.論文使用權限: 不同意授權投資人國際投資協定國際投資仲裁地主國投資人義務與行為責任不法行為符合地主國法律規範永續發展投資人地位投資人保障InvestorInternational Investment AgreementsInternational Investment ArbitrationHost StateIllegal conductSustainable DevelopmentInvestment Protection[SDGs]SDG3論國際投資協定之投資人行為責任建構Investor’s Responsibilities under International Investment Agreementthesis10.6342/NTU201602871