王俊傑(Chun-Chieh Wang)湯宗益(Tzung-I Tang)2020-02-062020-02-0620061814-5175https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/453880本研究旨在了解目前政府運用網際網路對於環境保護資訊的建置情況,並以25個縣市政府環境保護局之資訊網站作為研究對象,以使用者觀點針對「資訊取用管道」、「資訊呈現方式」與「系統回應機制」進行評估。研究結果發現,選取的入口網站均未能詳實的呈現研究對象之相關網站資訊,其中又以政府入口網的搜尋正確性最低;而在資訊呈現方式上,則以「網站目標與任務陳述」等五項表現較佳;「資訊內容可信度」等三項則有待進一步的改善與規劃;至於系統回應機制方面,在所測試的網站中,平均問題回應時間約34小時,顯示各網站的意見反應機制尚屬正常,而未來的推展仍有不少改善空間。The purpose of this study is to investigate and explore access channels to information regarding environmental technology in Taiwan via the evaluation of the websites of 25 environmental protection agencies of governments. The result of study is found, the five most popular web portals for information on the 25 websites did not result in adequate or complete information related to those websites, among them it is the lowest with the exactness of searching of e-government portal. On the other hand, the evaluation of the websites shows that the all websites achieved high performance in the five items of ''clarity of website purpose'', etc. However, improvements could be mage in the three items of ''reliability of information'', etc.政府網站 ; 環境保護資訊 ; 網站評估 ; Government Websites ; Environmental Protection Information ; Website Evaluation以使用者觀點評估政府環保資訊網站系統之研究Study of the Government Environmental Website System: From Users' Perspectivesjournal article10.29950/JHKUM.200607.0008http://dx.doi.org/10.29950/JHKUM.200607.0008