2012-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/701773摘要:氣候變遷引發的社會經濟後果,為當前國際社會共同關切的核心議題。儘管全球暖化對人類社會造成全面性的影響,但是不同國家、區域與社會群體則有不同程度的衝擊效果,特別對高度依賴自然資源的原住民族群,氣候變遷的社經排除後果,更可能直接剝奪其生存權。鑑此,本子計畫擬以尖石鄉馬里光溪流域原住民部落為對象,從社會排除的角度,先行檢視石門水庫集水區設置對於該流域部落社會、經濟與環境之影響,進而從整體性的地域發展思維,重新盤點和評估個案部落的地區資本要素與存量。最後,流域內不同部落的社會排除問題、地區資本的特殊性進行交叉比對與類型劃分,再依據氣候變遷或自然災難所誘發的發展困境,研擬出多樣化、可動態調整的組合式微型發展策略,以建立馬里光溪流域原住民部落因應氣候變遷挑戰的地方治理模式。 本子計畫的兩年期研究工作規劃:第一年調查研究個案地區內的社會排除問題,及部落層級與流域層級的社區資本構成要素與存量。第二年則整合實地調查資料,聚焦於氣候變遷或自然災難所誘發的社會排除問題與地區資本量變情形,研擬出動態組合的微型發展策略,以建構原住民部落因應氣候變遷的地方治理模式。<br> Abstract: Climate change induced social economic consequences have caught international attention. Although global warming has changed natural and ecological conditions extensively. There exists discrepant impact between different countries, areas, and social groups. The poor, women, children, and high-land indigenous people become the most unflavored and vulnerable groups. By focusing on the high-land indigenous tribe those who are embedded in the spacial context of remoteness, isolation, dependent on natural recourses, and political economical peripherality, they are most likely to be social excluded by climate change. The research uses the Tayal indigenous tribe in the watershed of Marqwang River as a case study. I try to examine the association between climate change and socio exclusion of the Tayal indigenous people. Moreover, I introduce the European model of territorial competitiveness. By means of investigating different components and stock of area capitals which was owned by Tayal tribes. The area capital approach will be further developed area-specific watershed management model which will help Tayal indigenous people to cope with and adapt themselves to unintended consequence of climate change. This project is divided into two stages. The first year will focus on the existing social exclusion problems of Tayal indigenous tribe. Moreover, an inventory of the area capital in the watershed of Marqwang River will be investigated. The second year, we will integrate and compare the social exclusion problems with the stock of different area capital items. A local governance based watershed management will be suggested to help Tayal indigenous tribe to cope with the climate change impact.社會排除地區資本氣候變遷天然災害泰雅族部落流域治理Social ExclusionArea CapitalClimate ChangeNatural DisasterTayal TribeWatershed Governance環境正義視野下的流域治理:石門水庫集水區上游泰雅族部落永續發展策略之行動研究-社會排除、地區資本與氣候變遷因應策略之研究—以馬里光溪流域泰雅族部落為例(III)