護理學系呂桂雲陳月枝王常如LU, KUEI-YUNKUEI-YUNLUCHEN, YUEH-CHIHYUEH-CHIHCHENWANG, TSAN -JUTSAN -JUWANG2009-09-132018-07-072009-09-132018-07-071999http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/165988本研究在探討專科護生在學之學業成績與護理師國家檢核考試成績的相關性。以某專 科學校890個畢業護生為樣本。選用的自變相有五個年級的成績、一年的綜合實習成 績、五科國家考試科目在學時的總成 績迴歸分析顯示年級成績能解釋的總變異量為 33.9%,三年級的成績 總變異量為33.1%,五年級增加1.5%,四年級增加0.6%。與國 考五大 科有關之科目總成績之總變異量為32.6%。區辨分析顯示五個年級成 績對護 理師檢覈考通過與否的區辨力為68.6%,與國考有關之科目總 成績對護理師檢覈考通 過與否的區辨力為69.6%,對國考成績最有預 測力的是三年級成績,五年級雖無與國 考有關之科,然成績預測力居 其次。研究者建議,學校可定期做這方面的研究,作 為教學及檢覈考 出題的參考。 The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between academic scores and national qualified examination for registered professional nurses ( NQEX-RPN) performance. Data were obtained retrospectively from records of 890 five-year-program nursing graduates with associate degrees. Using linear regression, 33.9% of the variance was accounted for by the 3rd year (31.0%); the 4th year added 1.5 %; and the 5th year added 0.6%. As to NQEX-RPN scores, 32.6% of the variance was accounted for by the scores of five items in the school curricula. Discriminant analysis revealed that the scores of five years permitted correct classification of the performance of 68.6% of the sampling and scores of the five curriculum items permitted correct classification of the performance of 69.6% of the sample. The best predictors for performance on the NQEX-RPN were the academic scores of third and fifth year. This study suggested that analysis of the relationship between academic scores and performance on NQEX-RPN could be concerned as a reference by nurse educators to develop curriculum and by the National Examination Boards to identify the NQEX-RPN items properly.en-US護理師檢覈考試護生護理教育Analysis of the Relationship between Academic Scores and Performance on National Qualified Examination for Registered Professional Nurses護生護理師檢覈考成績與學業成績關係之分析