李公哲2006-07-262018-06-282006-07-262018-06-282002-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/22107本計畫之目的為推動國科會永續發展 研究計畫中之環保領域工作並辦理八十九 年度成果發表研討會。按國科會永續發展 研究為國科會主要業務之一,為配合行政 院八十九年五月通過之「二十一世紀議程 --中華民國永續發展策略綱領」,透過國 科會研究資源,以任務為導向並以跨部會 及跨領域之方式篩選適合之研究議題,推 動環保領域工作。現階段主要以「綠色科 技島(矽島)之永續因應策略研究」為總 研究主題,並以總量管制、產業共生、永 續社會、生物多樣性、國際合作與參與等 五項為主題研究。本計畫針對上述五項主 題研究中之環境議題加以推動,並進行必 要之增修,以配合國內需求及國際潮流, 並作為徵求九十一年度研究計畫之依據。 再者,民國九十年十二月二十六及二十七 日於台灣大學第二活動中心舉辦「八十九 學年度國科會永續會永續發展研究成果發 表暨研討會」,以透過成果發表暨研討會 之方式,有效擴散研究成果之應用,落實 協助國內永續發展工作之推動。The purpose of this project is manifold, including promotion of sustainable development protection and dissemination of research results from previous projects. The above work is one of the basic missions given to NSC (National Science Council). The research topics chosen by NSC to conduct the sustainable development are primarily based on the document entitled “Agenda 21- strategies for sustainable development in ROC” issued by The Executive Yuan of ROC on May 2000. The research theme currently promoted by NSC is named as “Strategies toward a science and technology-based Island” with five research sub-themes. The five sub-themes include: 1.total loading capacity control, 2.industrial symbiosis, 3.sustainable society, 4.biological diversity; and 5.international cooperation and participation. This project is responsible for promoting the environmental protection research topics that include in the context of five sub-themes as described above. Another objective of this project is to modify the current research issues in order to fit the research needs that will be released to request for proposals in the end of year 2001. The Seminar on Fiscal year 2000 supported Research projects was held on 25th and 26th December 2001. The seminar has effectively disseminated the research results obtained from the previous year’s projects that have facilitated the sustainable development work in ROC.application/pdf229067 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學環境工程學研究所永續發展研究議題推動研討會成果擴散sustainable developmentresearch needspromotionseminardissemination永續發展研究中程計畫-環境保護領域之工作推動及辦理八十九學年度永續發展研究成果發表研討會Promoting the Research in Environmental Protection area for Sustainable Development and Holding the Seminar on Fiscal Year 1999 Supported Research Projectsreporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/22107/1/902621Z002045.pdf