生物資源暨農學院: 園藝暨景觀學系指導教授: 張俊彥蘇瑋佳Su, Wei-ChiaWei-ChiaSu2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277674景觀生態學在規劃實務上的應用,除了例如建置綠帶、連結棲地等景觀元素的配置之外,在規劃空間分區方面,亦應納入景觀生態學的空間概念,以符合物種、物質或能量循環所需的條件,包括土地使用變化的動態性、不同物種的空間需求等。為了在全國或區域中採取具有永續性及一致性的規劃手法,以確保整體景觀的自然運作,在景觀實務上,是否能夠提出較具共通性的空間分區劃設與操作原則?為了提出具有共通性的空間分區劃設與操作原則,有必要要針對環境生態的各種面向進行研究,而不同研究結果的相互參照及不同計畫的相互比較,均有賴共通的量化指標作為基礎,故本研究聚焦於水質及生物多樣性,透過實證研究,探討景觀規劃功能分區範圍劃設與操作如何落實景觀生態學的基本概念,包含以下具體目標:驗證土地使用變化對水質的影響、驗證空間尺度與生物多樣性的相關性。 第1部分的研究結果發現,在集水區範圍中,土地使用現況和水質測值並無顯著相關性,而水庫周邊緩衝帶及上游河岸的森林面積比例和水庫中總磷、葉綠素a濃度都有顯著負相關,農業面積比例則和總磷、葉綠素a濃度都有顯著正相關,這些結果證實了農業使用對水質的影響。在水庫周邊緩衝帶中,森林分區作為都市使用的面積比例亦與葉綠素a濃度成顯著。第2部分的研究結果則發現適合描述北臺灣淺山鄉村地區中鳥類多樣性的特定空間尺度,例如幅度165公尺及粒度5公尺,幅度165公尺約當小型鳥種在營巢地附近活動的範圍,但若要描述蝴蝶多樣性,不易擇定單一空間尺度,主要原因可能在於不同種蝴蝶之差異過大。 在土地使用變化方面,本研究強調自然地形或生態所形成的分區,以自然界線-如稜線或流域等-作為分區劃定原則,特別是以環境永續性為目標,期能透過規劃或管理改善環境品質時,應考量景觀中各個組成分能否發揮完整生態機能,據以劃定分區範圍;在空間尺度方面,本研究結果有助建立跨物種、跨環境項目之調查分析尺度,即使分列不同細部計畫或管理措施,亦應以能夠相容之尺度為基礎,亦可透過本研究作業模式驗證之不同空間尺度是否相容,例如試探性尺度之建立與比較,期能建立更完整之空間單元,充分回應計畫中的空間課題。People change the landscape process when they change landscape elements and structures. In order to ensure the flow and circulation in the environment, there should be suitable spatial analysis to satisfy the spatial requirement of species and other environmental quality. This dissertation focused on zoning in landscape planning and aimd to explore the effect of land use changes and spatial scales. Studies in this dissertation compared the relation between environmental conditions and environmental quality in different spatial units. In the study about spatial locations, the study sites were located in 14 main reservoir watersheds in Taiwan. The correlations were examined in whole watersheds, reservoir buffer zones and tributary riparian corridors. The results indicated that there were not significant relation between land uses and eutrophication in whole watersheds. In reservoir buffer zones and tributary riparian corridors, LCT agriculture had a significantly positive relation to the concentrations of TP and chl-a. Only in reservoir buffer zones, LUD forest as urban had a significantly positive relation to the concentrations of chl-a. In the study about spatial scales, the study sites were located in a typical rural area in Taiwan. twentyone sampling plots were selected along a suburban-hillside gradient. Based on each plot, sample areas were delimited with five radius (extents): 100 m, 130 m, 165 m, 200 m, and 250 m. The digitalization of land cover types applied four resolutions (grain sizes): 0.5 m, 5 m, 10 m, and 30 m. Thus, there were totally 20 sets of spatial scales. The relation between land uses and bird/butterfly biodiversity was examined. In order to provide practical recommendations for planning and management, study two also examined the predictive powers (to birds/butterflies biodiversity) of specific land cover types. The results indicated that the scale of extent 165 m and grain size 0.5/5 m is appropriate to perform the relation between land use and bird biodiversity. There was not a significantly appropriate scale for butterflies. However, correlation between birds and butterflies supported the usage of a common spatial scale. This dissertation emphasized the natural zoning based on physical geography, such as ridgelines and basins. The zoning and planning should consider the ecological function of each landscape elements. Besides, the delimitation of spatial scales should take into account of multi-species and conserve complete ecology.4882415 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/9/13論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)水質集水區優養化鳥類蝴蝶生物多樣性Water qualityWatershedEutrophicationBirdsButterfliesBiodiversity[SDGs]SDG15土地使用變化及空間尺度對分區劃設與操作之影響Influence of Land Use Change and Spatial Scale on Zoning and Planning Operationthesis10.6342/NTU201603218http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/277674/1/ntu-105-D95628011-1.pdf