管理學院: 臺大-復旦EMBA境外專班指導教授: 謝明慧沈維新Shen, Wei-HsinWei-HsinShen2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277526「計程車」是重要的公共交通運輸工具,同時也是城市文化行銷最佳的管道之一,故計程車對在地的貢獻不只是運輸還含蓋文化宣傳或觀光交流。然而,計程車產業是一個在地的服務產業非高科技的傳統產業,當時代變遷與科技進步的文明演化後,計程車將面臨供過於求的現象,同時也造成了社會成本的負擔。若以計程車或計程車隊的經營方式,則是企業或個人所應深入瞭解與探討的部分,例如乘客的服務品質的優劣與否,是會影響計程車產業的營收,所以計程車產業如何改善及解決營運的問題,其實是車隊所應承受的部分。 因此,本研究考量透過創新產品導入的經營模式的探討,瞭解改善車隊會員的營收及車隊擴展的方向,並且提高車隊擬訂因應策略的參考,其研究分析的發現與結果,茲概述如下: 一、 有鑑於傳統叫車服務的時效性並未能即時滿足顧客的要求,以及現今網路時代的問世,趨使車隊考慮透過創新產品的導入,改善產業現況。 二、 創新產品的導入將造成人力工作負擔加劇,同時也會增加車隊會員的行為改變,如此變革勢將造成阻礙。然而,透過管理作業活動的經營模式與人力培訓的輔助,提高創新產品導入的經營模式的建置,進而提高計程車隊的營收。 三、 創新產品導入前後的經營模式的差異,在於關鍵活動、顧客關係、關鍵資源、通路等部分,從管理作業活動的改革、聯繫資源的加強及通路的改變,提高顧客與車隊的關係,進而增加車隊的經營成效。Taxi, a major transportation, is also one of the best channels of marketing of urban culture. Hence, taxi helps advertising culture and tourism communication other than providing convenient transportation for passengers in Taiwan. However, the industry of taxi is more of local service than high-tech industry. Therefore, oversupply of taxi may occur and increase social burden after time and technology evolution. For management, business running of taxi team or individual taxi should be taken into account when more research needed for enterprises and individuals. For example, the service quality may determine revenue of taxi industry, inducing the responsibility of taxi teams to improve and solve the operational issues. The aims of this study were to realize the revenue and expanding of taxi team by exploring the implementation of innovative product business model, and to set the business strategies to improve the taxi team''s performance. The results were summarized as follows: First, to call a taxi by traditional way can’t immediately meet the requirements of customers, and after the invention of Internet. It has a tendency to be made the taxi team adopting innovative products to improve the status of industry. Second, not only the human workload will be increased, but also increase the team members'' behavior change while the taxi team adopting innovative products. Therefore, the change is bound to cause obstruction. However, through the business model and manpower training assistant management job activity, and good to build innovative products into the business model, thereby increasing the revenue of taxi fleet. Third, the business model adopting innovative products is different before and after, due to the view of key activities, customer relations, key resources, access. To change the manage activity, strengthen communication resources and channels, enhance the relationship between customers and taxi team, then increase the business performance of taxi team.2003269 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2018/7/6論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)應用程式(APP)經營模式關鍵資源價值主張Application(App)Business ModelKey ResourcesValue proposition[SDGs]SDG11經營模式的演化—以採用創新產品之T計程車隊為例The Evolution of Business Model - A Case Study of T Taxi Adopting Innovative Productsthesis10.6342/NTU201600266http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/277526/1/ntu-105-P02750028-1.pdf