2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714720National Taiwan University (NTU) now occupies the site of what was once the Taihoku Imperial University, established in March of 1928 by the resident Japanese. In the same year the Taihoku Imperial University Library was built to support academic research. With the restoration of Chinese rule in 1945, Taihoku Imperial University was handed over to the Republic of China and the university was renamed National Taiwan University. </p><p>The NTU Library as it is today was officially open to the public in November 1998 after 12 years of planning and construction. The new building was designed by Haigo Shen & Partners in the spirit of the original building: robust, symmetrical and retaining the arched windows, gable ends and piazza, the 35,000 square-meter library, with its solid rosewood furniture, designed by the same company, provides a sanctuary for study. The library has integrated most of the university’s previously dispersed departmental libraries and is now able to provide a comprehensive academic library service. NTU’s scholars can expect longer open hours, extended loan periods, a centralized and expanding collection, increased electronic resources, the use of the IOD (information on demand) system, and digitized projects from our special collections and art exhibitions.1928年臺北帝國大學成立之初,以原臺北高等農林學校校舍為基礎,圖書館亦於同年3月由總督府營繕課負責興建館舍,稱為「臺北帝國大學附屬圖書館」。1945年臺灣光復,同年11月15日政府接收「臺北帝國大學」,改組後更名為國立臺灣大學,圖書館亦同時改隸,溯至本館創設,至今已有80餘年歷史。</p><p>圖書館新館自1986年7月規劃施工以迄落成歷經12年,於1998年11月正式落成啟用。新館建築由沈祖海建築師事務所設計,以山牆、拱窗作為舊總圖書館建築語彙的延伸,具有承先啟後的意義;而對稱、穩重的造型也有傳達知識殿堂的意涵。自此,各式服務也邁入新的里程,新館集中校總區原有34所院系單位圖書館室分散式的服務,既有效紓解過去分散式人力配置的窘困,提供集中典藏空間,又解決讀者以往費時奔波各館室間查詢資料之辛勞,並進而提供多元化、專業化與效率化之服務:如延長開放時間、增加借書冊數與借期、提供更多電子參考工具與電子全文期刊、啟用全國首創的隨選資訊系統、進行特藏資料數位化工作和舉辦藝術品展覽等。LibraryAcademic Institute