2008-08-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/664041摘要:光纖光柵感測系統具有多點同時量測的能力,而目前的研究多侷限於靜態量測。本研究計劃旨在建立光纖光柵在動態及暫態的位移及應變量測系統,並以此感測系統應用於結構抑振與壓電材料精密定位問題的探討。在本計畫中將使用雷射都卜勒振動儀及應變規與光纖光柵感測系統的位移及應變量測結果作即時比較以確定研究成果的可行性與正確性。研究計畫將建立一套高靈敏度之光纖光柵位移及應變感測器與相應之解調系統,並研究光纖光柵的動態位移及應變量測能力。研究計畫亦將以結構抑振與壓電材料精密定位問題的探討來驗証所建立之光纖光柵感測系統之暫態量測能力以及提升抑振控制之相關研究。 <br> Abstract: Grating-based fiber sensors are capable of simultaneously detecting responses of multi-point; however, most researches are focusing on static sensing system. The main objective of this project is to establish a fiber-based multi-point dynamic and transient displacement and strain measurements and use these sensors in the vibration control and precision control systems. Laser Doppler vibrometer and strain gage will be used in this project to verify the results obtained from grating-based fiber displacement and strain sensor, respectively. This project will be focused on improving the dynamic displacement and strain measurement ability of the fiber sensor demodulation system. Vibration suppression experiments and precision control will be performed to test the transient detection ability of the fiber sensor system.光纖光柵結構抑振動態位移量測動態應變量測Grating-based fiberVibration suppressiondynamic displacement measurementdynamic strain measurement光纖光柵動態位移和應變量測系統的研發及抑振控制之應用