2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/7147481. Introducing: The Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering (GIEE) was established in August 1977. In August 1985, the PhD. program was established. In August 1998, the master program was divided into two subprograms, the Environmental Science and Engineering and the Environmental Planning and Management. Environmental problems induce complex effects not only on environmental quality itself but also on human health, resource security, economic vitality and social stability. Environment is an inseparable part of sustainability. To pursue sustainability requires knowledge of interaction between the components of the environment and between the environment and the anthroposphere. Building upon strong scientific foundation, the Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering (GIEE) continues to develop innovative technologies to address issues ranging from global scale like climate change to local scale like air, water and soil contamination. In addition to scientific and engineering endeavors, economic and social perspectives are also incorporated to identify driving forces of environmental problems and facilitate designing of governance and management strategies. With two programs – science and engineering division and planning and management division, the students are equipped with thinking and analytical skills with both depth and breadth. With emphasis on cultivating abilities of multidiscipline integration, students are able to meet the need of the ever-changing times and tackle realistic challenges, while the research results have contributed to the strengthening of the governments and the industries. Sustainability involves intertwining environment, economy and energy and demands integration of science, engineering, and management approaches. 2. Research Area: GIEE actively promotes interdisciplinary research that involves researchers from various academic fields. Academic and research development emphasizes on the fields of water quality control, air quality management, solid wastes treatment, environmental planning and management, environmental conservation, efficient uses of resources and energy, and environmental quality monitoring and assessment. We are dedicated to foster environmental engineering education and research, and strengthening collaboration between multidisciplinary to enhance both quantity and quality of research, in order to attend world-class standards as well as domestic leadership. 3. The Visions and Teaching Goals: We strive to provide the highest quality of education by constantly improving course curricular, cultivating both fundamentals and specializations, promoting ethics and social responsibility, as well as international vision and interdisciplinary leadership, to produce outstanding environmental engineers and researchers who can tackle the environmental problems we are currently facing. </p><a href="http://enve.ntu.edu.tw/" target="_blank">http://enve.ntu.edu.tw/</a>國立台灣大學環境工程學研究所(簡稱環工所)成立於1977年,其前身即為土木工程學研究所之衛生工程組。成立環工所之構想來自當時之工學院虞院長兆中及土木系茅主任聲燾,1976年由楊萬發教授籌備,順利向教育部提出申請並獲通過,於是台灣第一個環境工程學研究所就在1977年正式成立。1985年本所成立博士班,所開課程與研究已逐漸朝向全方位的環境工程領域,積極配合政府提昇環境保護之需求,培養環境工程人才,並研究實際有關問題之解決。 隨著環境問題已提昇為國際關切之焦點,鑑於當時國內對於因應國際環保議題之專業人才、相關資訊需求殷切,各研究機構雖已進行部份研究,卻未能將個別研究成果與心得予以累積,致人力物力均未能發揮極大效能,故本所於1998年8月開始正式分設「環境科學與工程組」及「環境規劃與管理組」,前者繼續加強環境科學與工程基礎教育之發展,後者則增聘具此專業能力之師資,積極展開相關研究,以增加本所環境規劃與管理之研究資源,追求永續發展。 由於傳統之環境工程教育較忽略環境系統分析之訓練,導致決策與執行人員對於環境規劃與管理之意義與使用目的認識不深,亟需加強相關訓練,提昇決策品質。故為順應國家之需求,本所於1999年8月開始招收「環境規劃與管理組在職進修專班」在職生,培植優秀環保在職人員,提昇其環境規劃與管理專業素養,以領導各項環境保護措施之執行。 本所於2008年8月通過中華工程教育學會(IEET)依據「工程教育認證規範EAC2010」之認證。 本所結合產官學界,於2013年成立「碳循環永續技術與評估研究中心」,針對可再生能源科技、永續物質管理、落實永續城市與低碳家園、碳封存與再利用技術、綠色科技發展與清潔生產機制等,建構合作平台。 另針對河川、海洋、湖泊、水庫等之底泥污染物,本所籌設「底泥研究平台」,其主要研究範圍包括:1.瞭解底泥污染之物理化學特性,以評估污染物之宿命及傳輸;2.研究底泥污染物之毒性、生物可利用性及暴露途徑,以評估底泥污染物對生態及人類健康風險;3.底泥復育技術之成本效益分析,供決策評估使用。Environmental EngineeringAcademic Institute