CHARLOTTE WANG王彥雯2024-10-012024-10-012022 teaching field of this study is the course “Statistical Inference in Data Science.” This course is required for junior and senior students taking the Biostatistics and Health Informatics module in the Department of Public Health. The statistical inference will introduce the basic concepts and theories of statistical methods, and the contents are abstract mathematical and statistical theories. However, students have difficulty learning theories because of insufficient prior knowledge of mathematics. In addition, nowadays, students are digital natives. Their cognitive processing belongs to shallow thinking, and their learning styles have changed. As a result, they have difficulty understanding the abstract concepts of statistical theories, resulting in low learning effectiveness, weak motivation, and passive attitudes. To improve these problems and the plight of the teaching site, in this study, we adopted an action research method and utilized experiential learning with problem-based learning and information technology integrated into instruction. Students are guided to explore the role and importance of statistical theory from real-world data analysis and applications. We tried to connect the statistical theories and real-world data analysis.本研究計畫的場域是「資料科學中的統計推論」這門課,修課對象為公衛系大三、大四領域專長選擇生物統計與健康資訊的學生為主。統計推論是讓學生了解統計方法基礎知識與背後原理的一門課,課程內容皆是抽象的數學統計理論建構,但是,公衛系學生由於數學先備知識不足,導致課程內容學習困難,再加上現在的學生屬於數位原民的世代,學習風格轉變,又具有淺層思考的認知處理習慣,因而導致難以理解課程中抽象概念,造成學習成效低落、動機不強、態度不積極。為改善前述問題與教學現場的困境,考量學生的學習風格,與資料科學時代統計教學的變革,本研究採用行動研究法,以體驗式學習結合問題導向教學與資訊技術融入教學等策略,透過問題引導學生從實務應用情境中發掘統計理論的角色與重要性,藉以連結理論與實務應用之橋樑,再透過電腦程式模擬數據與資料視覺化之技術,實現化抽象理論,輔助學生理解並學習理論之抽象概念。在每週課程中會給予學生學習單透過問題引導學習,並安排紙筆作業了解學生的理解狀況,在期末時同學要利用程式模擬針對指定的統計理論進行分組報告。最後在期中與期末,會利用教學意見調查、課程滿意度調查及ARCS學習動機問卷調查,評估此教學實踐策略之成效。透過體驗學習與問題導向設計改善非數學統計背景學生抽象概念之學習成效--利用電腦模擬與資料視覺化學習統計推論Improve the Achievement of Abstract Concept for Students without Mathematics or Statistics Background through Experiential Learning and Problem-Based Learning Strategies -- Utilize Computer Simulation and Data Visualization to Learn Statistical Inferencereport