國立臺灣大學電子工程學研究所呂學士2006-07-262018-07-102006-07-262018-07-102003-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/19990本計畫擬設計出低雜訊的放大器。為了降低雜訊,最重要的任務乃提高電感 的Q 值。首先我們知道一個高Q 值的電感必須要從兩個方面改善,第一個是減 少conductive loss, 第二個是減少substrate loss 。在本計劃我們主要是希望能夠 解決substrate loss 方面的問題,所以我們引入了微機電製程來完成此一任務。 本晶片成功地利用後製程製作出電感。並與IC 整合。經量測後,得到操作 頻率為5.2GHz,NF 成功地改善了0.8dB.The topic of this project is the low noise amplifier. To lower down the noise interference, a high Q inductor is very importance. However, the inductors fabricated in the CMOS process usually don’t have a high Q factor. There are two approaches to improve the Q factor for the inductor. One is to reduce the substrate loss and another is to reduce conductive loss. In this project we utilize the MEMs techniques to accomplish the second problem. Finally, we designed a 5.2 GHz LNA with a 3db NF and thinned down its substrate to 20mm. This thinned LNA is measured having 2.17dB NF. By this MEMs technique the LNA is improved by 0.8dB successfully.application/pdf228945 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學電子工程學研究所低雜訊放器微機電高Q 值電感LNACMOSMEMsHigh Q Inducotor積體電路相容微機電系統之研究-子計劃一 微機電式射頻積體電路reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/19990/1/912218E002018.pdf