陳郁蕙2006-07-262018-06-292006-07-262018-06-292003-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/19635海上箱網養殖為台灣未來漁業發展 之重要方向之一,但受到天然災害及環 境變化之影響,使其具有高經營風險及高養殖成本之特性,導致現有經營規模及 產量,均無法與先進國家的箱網養殖產業競爭,政府除繼續加強生產技術及設備 的研發,以提升生產效率外,建立一套符合產業特性及需求的保險制度有其必要 性。國內諸多文獻均認為保險制度確實可降低生產者所面對之生產不確定性及減 輕風險所造成之損失,使其能安心從事生產及穩定所得,以利產業發展。然而, 相關研究卻未曾分析保險制度之建立對箱網養殖業者生產決策之影響。因此,本 研究將透過經濟理論與實證方法探討保險制度之採行對箱網養殖業者決策之影 響及政策涵義。 本研究利用1998 年至2000 年「中華民國台灣地區沿近海及養殖漁戶經濟調 查報告」之原始調查資料中海鱺箱網養殖戶樣本資料進行分析,以預期效用理論 為基礎,在生產者追求預期效用極大化之假設下,探討保險制度對台灣箱網養殖 業者生產決策之影響。 實證上則利用蒙地卡羅積分法(Monte Carlo Integration),進行實證分析。研 究結果顯示,不論何種風險態度(風險中立態度除外),在90%之保險水準對生產 決策之影響高於70%之保險水準所造成之影響;而在既定保險水準之下,高固 定絕對風險趨避態度(High CARA)之生產者,其生產決策受保險制度之影響最 大。To prevent further adverse environmental impacts from over expansion of pond culture, the development of offshore cage aquaculture has drawn very much attention in Taiwan. Wind, waves, and tide are major factors influencing the production of cage aquaculture. Typhoons often occurring in summer and autumn also increase the production uncertainty facing by aqua-farmers. Without a proper insurance system, cage culture become a high risky investment which in turn hampered the future development of cage aquaculture in Taiwan. The major purposes of this research are to establish theoretical and empirical models to assess the impact of implementing insurance on aqua-farmers’ production decision and simulate insurance impact for different insurance scenario. The 1998-2000 statistic data and Monte Carlo method are used to conduct the empirical analysis. Our research findings show that income insurance has the greatest impact on the high CARA aqua-farmers’ decision.application/pdf84243 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學農業經濟學系暨研究所所得保險箱網養殖最適生產決策蒙地卡羅法Cage aquaculture, Producers' optimal decision, Income insuranceProduction uncertaintyMonte Carlo method台灣箱網養殖漁業實施保險制度對生產者決策之影響The Impact of Implementing Insurance on the Producers′ Decision of Cage Aquaculture in Taiwanjournal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/19635/1/912313B002332.pdf