國立臺灣大學中國文學系Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University.歐麗娟2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292010-061013-2422http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282528本論文探討王維詩歌中理性觀照的人格特質與表現模式。與傳統以來有關王維的品評研究著重其宗教思想與審美意境有別的,乃是以心靈主體的能動性為著眼點,將人格特質視為一切認知結構與價值體系賴以成立的統籌核心,而宗教思想乃是被動的、輔助性的外緣因素,必須經由存在主體的取捨始能內化並發揮作用。這一方面解釋了王維思想中莊禪合一或三教合流的現象,一方面則回歸詩人本身進行自我建構的根本層次,由此並進而發現,學界透過佛教與道家思想所詳密闡述的心物關係,其實乃是奠基於「吾∕我」關係——對自我人格多重層次的高度自省——的對外延伸,而「無我」之作為其終極境界,其實並非意識主體的泯滅,而是轉向一種客觀省視的理性認知狀態;至於從「有我」到「無我」的轉化過程,則顯示出從「感性」到「理性」、從「詩人」到「哲學家」的超昇,此即「入而能出」型人格模式的真正意涵。具體表現於詩歌作品中,則展演出「背面傅粉」、「宕出遠神」之篇章結構,以及對「知」字之偏好使用,都證成王維獨特的「早悟」人格與心理模式。This project endeavors to analyze the poems of Wang Wei in terms of a “rational perspective,” a manifest element of Wang’s personality that is characteristically expressed in his poetic works. Traditionally, studies of Wang’s poems have emphasized his (Buddhist and Daoist) religious influences and his aesthetic sensibilities. In contrast, by focusing on Wang’s spiritual/psychological agency as the fundamental driving force, I argue that Wang’s personality can be seen as the core on which the development of his cognitive faculties and values are based. His religious thought is thus an auxiliary, external, passive element that relies on the engagement of the core personality; that is, a discerning subjective entity initiates and guides the internalization and outward manifestation of his religious influences. This analysis explains the way in which ideological influences including Zhuangzian Daoism and Buddhism converge in Wang’s thought, and also links back to the poet’s own fundamental self-construction. In the process, it becomes clear that the mind-matter connection discussed in detail in prior scholarship is actually an elaboration of the subject-self connection—a deep and multifaceted look at the personality. Furthermore, “non-self,” the highest realm of attainment in this framework, is in fact not the elimination of subjective consciousness, but rather the evolution of a rational cognitive state. In the process of going from “self” to “non-self,” there is also a transcendence from “emotion” to “reason” and from “poet” to “philosopher”; this is precisely what is meant by ru er neng chu zhi [internalizing so as to make manifest] model of personhood. The evolved “rational perspective” is analyzed in detail, and relevant themes will be explored in the context of Wang’s poems by examining content, wording, and manner of expression.26396647 bytesapplication/pdf唐詩、王維、知、人格類型、詩歌結構、心理模式,Tang poetry, Wang Wei, personality trait, poetry structure, psychological mode論王維詩歌中理性觀照的人格特質與表現模式The “Rational Perspective” Integral to Wang Wei’s Personhood and Poetic Expressionjournal article10.6281/NTUCL.2010.32.06http://dx.doi.org/10.6281/NTUCL.2010.32.06http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282528/1/0032_201006_6.pdf