工學院: 工程科學及海洋工程學研究所指導教授: 郭振華梁浩鈞Liang, Hao-ChienHao-ChienLiang2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271615本文設計利用光波為資料傳輸媒介之水下載具無線通訊系統之廣角度接收器,其功能是做為與水下載具之近距離雙向溝通介面。本系統分為兩部分:固定通訊節點接收器與水下載具上之通訊接收器,兩者皆使用發光二極體為製作材料。光線發送使用高功率發光二極體(LED)和準全向式的接收器以大範圍的發送和接收,與水下載具搭配發送和接收器並配合封包設計與固定節點做雙向通訊。固定結點採用球形設計搭配多個接收器以等分圓方式安裝接收器,接收器前面安裝凸透鏡集中收到的光,並採用分時多工技術與水下載具作通訊。本文中的封包設計採用錯誤檢查碼機制,在封包後面多傳送一組檢查碼以增加封包的正確度。最後,此通訊系統與自主式無人水下載具於大型,水槽中做功能驗證,證明此系統可以在載具游動中以十九萬千赫位元雙向通訊。An underwater wireless optical communication system is presented. It serves as a moderate-distance and bidirectional wireless communication interface between underwater vehicles and a light sphere in a short distance communication applications, such as an underwater sensor node. The system has two parts, one is a fixed communications node (a light sphere), the other is an underwater vehicle node, both are using light emitting diodes and PIN diodes as receiver, The fixed communications node performs a wide range, send-and-receive bidirectional communication with a moving underwater vehicle node. The fixed node adopts a spherical design with multiple receivers installed with an equal-divide circular platform, convex lens enhance power received on the receivers. The TDMA multiplexing technology and cyclic redundancy check are used to reduce the packet error. The design was verified using underwater vehicle experiment in a large water tank. It is shown that the system can perform 19Kbps for bidirectional communication.2278398 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/4/15論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)水下光通訊水下載具underwater wireless optical communicationunderwater vehicle無人水下載具無線光通訊廣角接收器設計Design of a Wide-angle Li-Fi Receiver For Underwater Vehicle Communicationthesis10.6342/NTU201600165http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271615/1/ntu-105-R02525079-1.pdf