管理學院: 商學研究所指導教授: 許鉅秉張育瑋Chang, Yu-WeiYu-WeiChang2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274424  農產品易受環境與天氣變化影響,在地震、颱風發生頻繁的台灣尤其嚴重。農產品屬於民生必需品,容易因天然災害發生而產生農損,造成市場上的供不應求,進一步造成物價不穩定。此時供應商的行為對於農產品市場尤為重要。   本研究探討廠商對囤貨的態度、對短期獲益的預期和廠商接收到的供應鏈氣氛、社會規範及政府力量援助對於廠商囤貨的意圖是否具有顯著的關連性。本研究以各個農產品供應商為訪問對象進行問卷發放,並於回收後應用敘述性統計、信效度分析、結構方程模式分析等方法,以檢驗研究之原假說模型,最後在檢驗結果不佳的情況下提出新的假說模型並進行檢驗。   依照分析的結果,本研究共獲得七點結論,分別為: 一、「供應商對通路關係品質的感受」會正向影響「供應商對囤貨的意圖」。表示當通路關係品質越好,廠商囤貨的意圖就越高。 二、「政府力量援助」不會影響「供應商對囤貨的態度」。 三、「政府力量援助」會正向影響「供應商對未來短期獲益的預期」。表示當政府援助的程度越高,供應商對於未來獲利的預期也越高。 四、「供應商對未來短期獲益的預期」會正向影響「供應商對囤貨的態度」。表示供應商認為短期獲益越高越會增強對於囤貨的態度。 五、「供應商對囤貨的態度」會正向影響「供應商對囤貨的意圖」。表示供應商對囤貨的態度越正向,越能增強供應商對囤貨的意圖。 六、「供應商對未來短期獲益的預期」能完全中介「政府力量援助」對「供應商對囤貨的態度」的影響。表示政府援助的影響完全透過供應商對短期獲益的預期來間接影響供應商囤貨態度。The products of agriculture are strongly influenced by environment and climate change, especially in Taiwan with lots of natural disasters like Typhoon and Earthquake. The agriculture product is life’s necessity, once the natural disaster takes place and causing lots damage, the balance between Supply and Demand will be broken. In this situation, the reaction of supplier is important for supply chain recovery.  The purpose of this study is to investigate how do “Supplier expectation of short-term benefits”, “Supplier attitude toward stockpiling”, “Supplier perception of channel relationship quality” and “Government aiding” affect “Supplier intention to hoard”.  In this study, the author interviewed the agriculture product suppliers with the questionnaire. After receiving all the questionnaire, the statistics of statements, reliability, effectiveness would be applied to test the assumption of the study.  According to the results of the statistics, there are 7 conclusions as the following: 1.“Supplier perception of channel relationship quality” would positively influence “Supplier intention to hoard”. Which means when suppliers receive better channel relationship quality, they would have stronger intention to hoard. 2.“Government aiding” has no direct influence on “Supplier attitude toward stockpiling”. 3.“Government aiding” has positive influence on “Supplier expectation of short-term benefits”. In other words, if government highly aids the market, supplier would expect more benefits in future. 4.“Supplier expectation of short-term benefits” would positively affect “Supplier attitude toward stockpiling”. That is to say, if suppliers expect they would get more benefits in short term, they will be in more positive attitude toward stockpiling. 5.“Supplier attitude toward stockpiling” would positively affect “Supplier intention to hoard”. That is to say, the positive stockpiling attitude would strengthen the intention to hoard. 6.“Government aiding” has complete indirect influence on “Supplier attitude toward stockpiling” via the mediator, “Supplier expectation of short-term benefits”3206395 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/7/4論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)農產品囤貨供應商天然災害態度意圖政府援助通路關係Agriculture ProducthoardingStockpilingNatural DisasterAttitudeIntentionGovernment AidingChannel Relationship[SDGs]SDG3[SDGs]SDG13天災後農產品供應商囤貨態度與政府援助對供應商囤貨意願之影響The influences of supplier attitude toward stockpiling and government aiding to supplier intention to hoard after natural disaster.thesis10.6342/NTU201600587http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274424/1/ntu-105-R03741033-1.pdf