徐濟泰(Jih-Tay Hsu)2021-03-252021-03-2520190578-1434http://dx.doi.org/10.6730/JAAT.201903_20(1).0004https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/554729本篇綜論報告藉由整理國內外學術研究與調查文獻,挑出具體數據分別呈現乳牛場進行各種不同類型自動化與智慧化轉變之後,預期可實現的效益所在之項目及其改善幅度,並且提出目前乳牛場自動化與智慧化仍舊存在的缺陷,供做後續研發者明確改進標的參考。乳牛產業的發展歷程,最早先從進入機械化開始,才帶動起產業的規模化與專業化。再經過數十年的發展之後,為了進一步的節省人力與提高生產效率,乳牛場自動化與智慧化因應而生。單純機械化的效益,可以從每100kg乳所需的人力需求至少減為十分之一,同時還可以讓每100kg乳所需芻料供應量多出一倍,清楚看到一個人做十個人工作的效益。乳牛場自動化的效益可以拿自動擠乳系統為例,相較於傳統機械化擠奶系統其能達到顯著減少全職人力22%、增加每一全職人力能照顧的母牛頭數31%、增加每一全職人力能產出的總乳量27%。乳牛場智慧化的效益,舉出從傳統曳引車驅動完全混合飼糧攪拌車的操作模式轉換成自動取料、混合與運送餵飼系統為例,其能源與人力的節約可以分別達到97%與79%。自動擠乳系統配置有數項智慧化功能,包含紀錄與分析每一頭牛每天擠乳次數、出乳速度、乳量與乳脂率/乳蛋白率,以及各分房乳導電度/顏色/體細胞數等乳房炎指標,並提供偏離正常值範圍的警示。另外,活動量記錄器除了可以提供乳牛發情偵測的功能之外,還可以結合乳牛反芻行為與活動量的數據連續收集並自動運算產生健康指數評分,每日自動提醒酪農所有發生健康指數異常的個別牛隻。This review study provides a precise description of improved items and their degree of improvement with automation and smart system use in dairy farming from the literature and identifies remaining issues that need resolution. Based on mechanization, dairy industry has become a large scale and professional operation, and the needs of dairy farms for automation and smart systems to increase efficiency have grown rapidly. Mechanization of dairy farms can reduce manpower requirements to one tenth of current requirements. In the same time, dairy farms can double its forage supply. An automatic milking system, for example, it can reduce manpower by 22%, enabling each worker to handle 31% more dairy cows and produce 27% more milk compared to conventional mechanized milking parlor. Installing a smart system can change operations from a total mix ration wagon driven by a tractor to an automatic. feeding system with functions of automatic gathering and weighing feed ingredients, automatic mixing and delivering to each pen of dairy cattle according to different nutrition requirements for each group of dairy cattle. This change can result in reductions of 97% for energy and 79% for manpower. A smart system controlling an automatic milking system can continuously track milking frequency, milking speed, milk production, milk fat/milk protein contents, and mastitis indications (conductivity, color, somatic cell count) for each quarter of the udders. An alarm will be automatically posted if any parameter is out of the normal range. In addition, monitoring heat and activity can provide health analyses based on rumination activity and total activity pattern changes.自動化; 乳牛場; 機械化; 智慧化; Automation; Dairy farm; Mechanization ;;Smart system乳牛場自動化與智慧化的效益分析journal article10.6730/JAAT.201903_20(1).0004