法律學院: 法律學研究所指導教授: 黃昭元廖建瑋Liao, Jian-WeiJian-WeiLiao2017-03-032018-07-052017-03-032018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273372經司法違憲審查機關認定違憲的法規範,其時間效力問題的處理大抵有三種模式,分別是溯及失效、立即失效以及將來失效,其中將來失效模式因為容許違憲法秩序繼續存在,對於客觀法秩序一致性及基本權利維護均產生嚴重傷害,在欠缺維護既存法秩序此法安定性的強烈需求下,正當性實有疑義,惟近年來出現於我國違憲審查實務中的頻率卻越趨頻繁,值得深入探究。 本文首先檢視憲法及大法官審理案件法,自規範層面探討將來失效違憲宣告類型存在的空間;其次再自學理層面分析該類型之優點以及缺點,認為將來失效所能正當運用的空間實極為有限;次之則梳理累積至釋字第732號為止之將來失效宣告類型解釋,分析歸納其特徵,並明確指出適用上值得檢討的問題;再者,則是借鏡他國法制發展,提供我國在此議題更多的思考。 本文認為將來失效違憲宣告類型僅有在極其例外的情形方能適用,在定期失效中則應以比例原則思考,本文並以前述我國大法官解釋以及比較法案例作為基礎,分別在目的正當、手段必要以及損益均衡之層次提出具體案件說明,藉此期能有助於提升司法違憲審查者在違憲法規範時間效力問題上決定的可預測性及正確性。 最後,本文並評析司法院大法官審理案件法修正草案中關於違憲法規範時間效力部分之規定,指出該法倘通過可能將出現「惡法亦法」、違反平等原則,以及不利法官暫停審判聲請釋憲之現象,妥適性容有商榷之必要。There are three models to deal with the temporal effects of unconstitutional law, namely “retrospective”,“immediate” and “prospective” overruling. Among these three models, prospective overruling permits unconstitutional law to remain their existence in a certain or uncertain period, which can seriously harm the consistency of the legal order and the protection of fundamental rights. In the absence of a strong need to protect the legal certainty, whether the application of prospective overruling can be justified is really questionable. However, the appearance of prospective overruling in Taiwan’s judicial review outcomes has become more common in recent years, and thus worthy of research. First, this thesis reviews the relevant provisions in the Constitution and the Constitutional Interpretation Procedure Act, and discusses the admissibility of the prospective overruling. In the next chapter, it analyzes the pros and cons of the prospective overruling with various theories, and infers that prospective overruling should be strictly adopted. This thesis subsequently analyzes the interpretations of the Judicial Yuan (J.Y.) that adopted the prospective overruling model, and indicates the characteristics of prospective overruling characteristic and problems on its application. Moreover, for further reflections, this thesis researches with a comparative approach to take a look at how prospective overruling is coped with in other countries. This thesis argues that prospective overruling can only be used under exceptional circumstances, and the proportionality test should be applied simultaneously. Based on the previous analysis of the J.Y. interpretations and comparative study, this thesis explains by examining specific cases in the levels of “legitimate objective”, “appropriate measures” and “the effects of the measures proportional for the objective” in the effort of enhancing the predictability and stability of the temporal effects in judicial reviews. Finally, this thesis reviews the draft amendments of the Constitutional Interpretation Procedure Act concerning the temporal effects of unconstitutional law. It further points out that were these amendments adopted, certain negative consequences might occur, such as “dura lex, sed lex” (the phenomenon of unjust law being applied), their contradiction to the principle of equality, and the potential challenges for judges to suspend the trial proceedings and file a petition to the Constitutional Court for interpretation of the Constitution. Hence, this thesis provides some solutions as to resolve these matters.3510151 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/2論文使用權限: 同意無償授權司法違憲審查法規範違憲定期失效單純違憲宣告司法院大法官審理案件法judicial reviewunconstitutional lawtemporal effectsuspended declarations of invaliditythe Constitutional Interpretation Procedure Act論違憲法令之時間效力—以將來失效宣告類型的檢討為中心The Study on the Temporal Effect of Judicial Review :Focusing on the Prospective Overrulingthesis10.6342/NTU201601461http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273372/1/ntu-105-R01a21022-1.pdf