社會科學院: 國家發展研究所指導教授: 周繼祥林建璋Lin, Jian-ZhangJian-ZhangLin2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274623本研究以系統論的觀點來分析我國陸生政策中關於「三限六不政策」形成,發現深受政治、及教育整合的環境因素影響。然由於兩岸政治因素的干擾,加上政府大陸政策的不確定性,而產生了諸多問題。 政治因素主要受到立法院生態及政黨輪替等重大政治事件發生變化所影響,公元2000至2008年民進黨的執政之下,開放陸生赴台就學議題受到壓制。但之後因少子化問題與國內大專院校招生不足的問題浮現,凸顯政策失靈的現象,改變政治系統的政策偏好。2008 年馬英九就任中華民國第十二任總統後,並朝開放陸生政策赴台就學來做規劃,但為了營造修法的有利環境及對於強調社會公平屬性的保護政策,不得不推出「三限六不」的政策妥協。卻也產生了例如不平等、是否讓路生納入健保…問題。 教育因素則是在少子化問題與國內大專院校招生不足之下,造成必須思考開拓境外招生來源的課題。但在招收陸生的配套措施方面,亦成為影響「三限六不政策」的主要環境因素。 本研究利用歷史結構途徑將政策的形成分為政策問題與政策議程形成、行政措施、修法行動等三個時期,政府、立法委員、社會團體等三個主要參與者在各時期中透過主要行動與策略,影響政策之形成,而有不同的政策產出,復經過反饋再度進入政治系統內,經過這些過程,最後在2010年取得共識後完成「三限六不政策」的修法,並輔以文本分析與對學者專家的訪談,解析「三限六不政策」之形成。本研究發現:團體決策、官僚決策及立法院的政治議價等,分別為三個時期主要的決策模式,而主要參與者在不同的決策模式下,對政策形成產生不同程度的影響力。This research with a systematic viewpoint is aimed to analyze the formation process of “Three Restrictions and Six Prohibitions Policy”。The findings reveal the process has been so much influenced by politics, and integral environmental factors of education。Moreover,it has brought many issues due to the interference of political factors and the instability of the policy between both sides of the straits。 Political factors have been mainly influenced by major political affairs , such as the ecology of Legislative Yuan and the takeover of political power. From 2000 to 2008,under the execution of Democratic Progressive Party,the issue of Taiwan accepting mainland students was inhibited in that period of time. Due to low birth rate and insufficiency of the new students in recruitment for colleges have gradually severed,which have highlighted malfunctions in policy,lead the policy preference of political system modified. However, it came to a new model after Ma Ying-Jeou has been elected as the president of ROC in 2008。The government has opened universities to mainland students and has formally offered admission to mainland students for sdudy,which emphasizes the social equity of the protection policy so as to construct advantageous environment of the lawmaking. Therefore,the government has to introduce“Three Restrictions and Six Prohibitions Policy” for compromise。However,it has brought many issess due to the inequity and whether the mainland students have the right to attend Pension Insurance system。 Educational factors are mainly on low birth rate and insufficiency of the new students in recruitment for colleges that have to considered how to expand the sources from overseas recruitment。Besides,in the supporting measures on accepting mainland students is also the environmental factors of“Three Restrictions and Six Prohibitions Policy”。 This research makes use of the historical-structure approach to divide the policy process into three periods, as policy issues & policy agenda formation, administrative measures and law amendments. In addition,it is supported by inclusive of textual analysis and interviews。The government, legislators and thesocial group are three main participants, who output different policies through the main action and strategy to exert influence on the policy process. Then through feedback process, they enter into the political system. Finally,with all these processes, they have reached a consensus in 2010, and completed the amendment of“Three Restrictions and Six Prohibitions Policy”. The findings of this research include: group decision-making, bureaucrat decision-making and Legislature’s political negotiation, which are respectively served as the main decision-making modes in three periods. Under the different decision-making mode, the main participant has certain varied degree of influence on policy formation.1569326 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2026/8/1論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)三限六不文本分析政策過程修法體例陸生政策Three Restrictions and Six Prohibitions PolicyTextual AnalysisPolicy processAmending typethe policy of mainland china students「三限六不」政策形成之研究(2008-2011)Research on the Formation of Taiwan’s Policy of“Three Restrictions and Six Prohibitions”Toward Mainland Chinese Students(2008-2011)thesis10.6342/NTU201601755http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274623/1/ntu-105-R02341042-1.pdf