管理學院: 臺大-復旦EMBA境外專班指導教授: 翁崇雄路達Lu, DaDaLu2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277720近年來由於台灣整體的經濟成長趨緩,創新成長或轉型升級的企(產)業策略要求,經常成為政府或民間的吶喊。然而對於多數中小企業而言,策略要從高大上的名詞,落實到自家企業的動詞,其實有些距離。本研究試圖以選擇具有程度代表性的個案,對企業策略形成過程做一完整的剖析,期望能成為多數中小企業的參考。 A 公司是一中小企業的貿易服務業,經營項目為科技產業上游端,鍍膜製程相關產品的在地服務。2008年後面臨多數在地產業的成長遲滯,2012年後則見證多數在地客戶的衰退,企業本身業績更因此而加速衰落。如何走出困境或者如何以有效的策略來趨動企業變革成長?顯為A公司當務之急與當務所需! 本研究透過時下商學者波特,以及古代兵法家孫子的五力分析的方式,對個案公司外部環境進行宏觀環境分析以及產業競爭分析,而內部環境則進行企業內部能力及資源分析。並以企業變革再成長的內涵,制訂出具有競爭商業模式的成長策略。 而此策略檢驗的方式,包括短期的目標管理,如財務目標與資源效率。以及長期的文化精神植入,包括將企業策略的預期結果,回導模擬到企業內部的員工、股東,與企業外部的產業、社會,亦即進行文化形塑。可謂為A 公司企業經營策略訂定的雙向研究與探討。 本研究由於限於個案企業,自然會有許多主觀以及不足之處。然而在個案策略的研究中,提供了一個思考模式以及應對選擇,相信對於多數尤其在地的中小企業,甚至正在起步的創業者,會是一個很好的個案參考。In case of Taiwan’s economic goes weak, most government and enterprise people ask business selves for the industries or business growing strategies. Nevertheless, it is not an easy job especially for the small-medium companies. This research tries to express an entire strategy process by the representative case, then become a reference model for the interested people. A Corp. is a traditional small-medium trading company. Its’ business items are coating process materials and relative, and its’ sales amount obviously drop since 2013. To lead the company by a growing business strategy is a top important topic ! In this research, through the Five Forces Analysis on environment & industry competition, also Business Change theory on business ability & resource, it approaches the actual growing strategy with the business model. On the other hand, figure out the expected strategy performance as short term financial number, also feedback the expected strategy result to the employee, share- holders, and the industry & societies to form the Business Culture between, it approaches the actual Double Ways Research on Business Strategy. Even it is the case limited, this research offers a complete strategy model in dynamic thinking way, and hopefully can be referenced for most small-medium companies and entrepreneurs.8976776 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/7/4論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)五力分析企業變革商業模式成長策略文化形塑雙向研究Five Forces AnalysisBusiness ChangeBusiness ModelBusiness CultureDouble Ways ResearchBusiness Strategy鍍膜服務業經營的策略研究—以A公司為例A Research on Business Strategy of Coating Service Providers —A Case Study on A Corp.thesis10.6342/NTU201600382http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/277720/1/ntu-105-P02750005-1.pdf