2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714939Aim of the Department The Graduate Institute of Musicology at National Taiwan University was established in July 1996. We have aimed to foster research potential in musicological scholarship, to build a Taiwanese musicological community, and to cultivate international scholarly exchange. Our educational goals are to integrate the various subdisciplines of musicology and to encourage interdisciplinary studies, thereby promoting the intellectual strengths of our faculty while making advantageous use of the rich academic resources of our university. We seek to develop approaches and methodologies that reflect the interrelationship of international and local perspectives, and thus to highlight the distinctive cultural and historical character of Taiwan while also articulating its place within Asian and global scholarship. Research Field Our recent research foci include sound studies, music and modernity, and music and the body. Faculties Prof. Jen-yen CHEN: 18th-century Austria; music and the Enlightenment; sociology of music. Prof. Tung SHEN: Chinese popular song; Chinese music history; Chinese music theory; Chinese classical theater. Prof. Ying-fen WANG: Nanguan music; social history of Taiwanese music; historical recordings. Prof. Yuh-wen WANG: Music, body, mind, and spirituality; music analysis; music aesthetics; judgment of musical value. Prof. Chen-gia TSAI: Chinese theater music; biomusicology; phoniatics; music acoustics; psychoacoustics. Prof. Fumitaka YAMAUCHI: Musical culture of Japan and Korea; colonialism; history of the record industry; popular music. Prof. Chien-chang YANG: European music history; history of musical thought; aesthetics and philosophy of music; critical theory; musical modernity; musical modernism in East Asia.國立臺灣大學音樂學研究所成立於1996年,為文學院的十二個教學單位之一,初期提供碩士班課程,並於2015年成立博士班。本所提供了多元化、開放的學習環境,以及豐富的學術資源。本所注重培養跨學科的音樂研究方法,重視文化之間的豐富相互聯繫,促進歷史音樂學,民族音樂學、人類學、文學、哲學、社會學、心理學以及其他學術領域之間的互動。研究和教學重點雖為亞洲的音樂文化,但同時以更廣闊的國際化視野檢視,通過跨學科和富有全球視角的音樂學研究方法,認可亞洲音樂之於全球的貢獻。MusicologyAcademic Institute