2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714735【Outline】 The Department of Geography at National Taiwan University was founded in 1955, as the first geography department in Taiwan. It began offering Master’s Program in 1981, and became established as an innovative and influential program leading to the Ph.D. degree in 1989. In 2000, the department was renamed as "The Department of Geography ", and started offering the Executive Master Program in response to the academic trend and social needs. Relocated from the old Yellow House by the side of the Drunken Moon Lake (醉月湖) to its present site Luming Square in 2003, the Department has entered into another stage of development. The department publishes the Journal of Geographical Science (TSSCI) four times a year, which includes articles from Taiwanese and international scholars on a range of issues across the dynamic discipline. Through the Recruitment of Visiting Science and Technology Personnel with Subsidies from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of China, the department sponsors world-renowned scholars for brief academic visits. International geographers deliver lectures and participate in collaborative researches with faculty and students in the department. 【Research Fields & Facilities】 The Department currently has 18 full-time and 5 part-time teachers.  Faculty strengths are found in four general fields of interests: Physical Geography, Human Geography, GIS, and Environmental Resource Management. The extensive collection of maps, aerial photographs, and EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) Reports is an important component of our research and teaching resources. The GIS Research Center is equipped with data server, 3D Scanner, Large Size Scanner, plotter, and a computer room of 50 desktop computers installed with digital analysis packages, such as ESRI, ArcGIS and other professional software. The Physical Geography Lab has equipment such as Polarizing Microscope, Water Quality Analysis Meter, Fluid Speed Meter, Micro-Lysimeter, Auto Meteorological Station, Leica Smart Station, Gas Chromatography, and High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The department is also home to five other specialized laboratories, which support teaching and research needs. 【Future Goals & Development】 The Department of Geography offers a fine environment for advanced education and training in fields of Land and Environmental Monitoring, Urban and Regional Development, Spatial Information and Application, and Environmental and Resource Management, as an answer to the demand of geographic professionals in academic research, secondary and tertiary educations, as well as public and private sectors.地理學探討地表現象的空間分布與成因,是自然科學,也是社會科學;關心人類與環境的關係,是溝通自然與人文世界的橋樑。自然地理的研究主題涵蓋邊坡穩定、坡地水文、生態環境、集水區經營管理。人文地理則包含都市發展、跨界投資、空間與社會不平等、全球化與地方文化。環境議題也是焦點,關注著土地利用變遷、山坡地及海岸管理、受災居民的識覺及調適等。此外,由於地理資訊科技的進展,現代的地理學者廣泛利用資訊來整合地表的自然與人文現象,從地表環境的觀測、紀錄、分析到決策支援一氣呵成。面對全球環境變遷帶來日益嚴重的衝擊,地理學是永續發展研究的關鍵領域。 臺灣大學地理學系創立於西元1955年,隸屬於理學院。創立之初分為地理學組與氣象學組兩組。西元1972年氣象學組獨立成為大氣科學系,地理學組也成為地理學系。西元1981年增設地理學研究所碩士班,西元1989年再增設博士班,至此,地理系發展為一個完整的教學與研究單位。西元2000年本系更名為「地理環境資源學系」,並增設碩士在職專班,回應學術潮流與社會需求。西元2003年從醉月湖畔的舊黃樓搬遷至鹿鳴廣場現址,進入另一個發展階段。配合系名更改,在師資聘任及學科領域界定上有更寬廣的空間。 本系目前有19位專任教師,1位合聘教師與5位兼任教師。依教師研究興趣與專長,分成自然地理、人文地理、地理資訊科學三大領域。發展目標有三: 1. 教育卓越-立足地理,結合跨領域知能,培養環境議題領導人才。 2. 研究卓越-深耕本土議題,爭取國際能見度,建立亞太地區學術重鎮地位。 3. 關懷社會-貢獻專業知能,建立產官學研交流平台,致力國土永續發展。 本系在國土與環境監測、都市與區域發展、空間資訊及運用、環境資源經理共四個領域上提供良好的深造及人才養成環境,以因應學術研究,及相關中高等教育、政府、公營機關及產業界的就業需求。展望未來,本系將持續致力於教學、研究質與量的累積,以培育專業人才,並提升本系的國際學術地位;除此之外,也將持續積極地融入社會,提升本系的社會影響力,在社會服務上作出貢獻,成為具有行動力與開創性的系所。GeographyAcademic Institute