2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714729Vision and Mission The NTU College of Management has a long tradition in excellence and is recognized internationally for our outstanding academic and research achievements. Our mission is to train and equip future global leaders with the knowledge and skills to make positive contribution to the industry and community. The college is designed to provide a comfortable and conducive learning environment. During the past decade, our faculty has published hundreds of papers in the SCI and SSCI magazines, in which established our global academic beacon. The College has been encouraging our faculty to integrate researches with affiliates amongst other colleges, schools, industries or even other regions. Researches using high-tech is of important trend of the future. Such collaboration model could also help to elevate the status of the College within the School. Some example of the joint programs: Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Department of Business Administration), Health care services (Department of Business Administration , Department of Accounting), Big Data (Department of Business Administration , Department of Information Management), Fair Valuation (Department of Accounting), Corporate Governance (Department of Accounting, Department of Finance, Department of International Business), Risk Management (Department of Finance),Capital and research development (Department of Finance), Consumer behavior (Department of Business Administration, Department of International Business), Portable devices (Department of Information Management),Cloud services and security (Department of Information Management). In order to promote knowledge of business management, the faculty has also published non-textbooks such as: “10 critical courses about Internet +”, “Organizational Behavior. Respecting People & Enhancing Management”, “Financial Report Analysis”, “Avoiding Mistakes and Be A winner in Investment”, “The Essence of Strategic Management, “Consumer Behavior”, and “Statistics”…etc.願景和使命 管理學院以成為亞太地區頂尖管理學院,及傑出教研獲得國際肯定為願景,本院之使命為培育管理菁英,致力開發高品質之學習和創新教育環境,發揮對教育、研究、產學合作、國際和社會多重影響力之最大貢獻,且近十年來,管理學院教師刊登在SSCI或SCI之國際期刊數量超過百篇,乃本院奠定國際學術地位之指標。本院體認到跨系/跨校/跨領域以及跨國合作研究之重要性,因此近年來積極鼓勵教師從事具科技間整合性之研究,以符合未來研究之趨勢,並提升管理學院各系學術研究之地位,也不斷致力於國際交流,未來將與國外相關領域學術機構持續建立學術研究合作管道。管理學院目前的研究課題包含科技創新與創業(工商管理學系)、健康照顧服務(工商管理學系、會計學系)、巨量資料(工商管理學系、資訊管理系)、公允價值(會計學系)、公司治理(會計學系、財務金融系、國際企業學系)、信用風險(財務金融系)、資本及研發投資(財務金融系)、消費者行為(工商管理學系、國際企業學系)、穿戴式裝置(資訊管理系)、雲端服務與安全(資訊管理系)</span>。 為發揮社會影響力,推廣管理知識,管理學院教師也積極撰寫專書,例如:「看懂,然後知輕重:「互聯網+」的10堂必修課」、「組織行為:以人為本.優化管理」、「財務報表分析」、「少犯錯,一生都是投資贏家」、「策略精論」、「消費者行為」、「統計學」。College of ManagementUniversity College