國立臺灣大學中國文學系副教授Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University.陳翠英2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292013-061013-2422http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282376《聊齋誌異》多篇揭現對仙境的營塑及探求,雜糅神話思維、宗教情操、故實承衍、倫理關懷、生命叩問及美學呈現,在在展呈蒲松齡對超拔凡俗、修行得道的壯闊想像及深切嚮往,也揭現蒲松齡對生命歸趨的多向探索,涵括情緣繫念、事親盡孝、宗嗣傳承、功名舉業及仙凡兩難的價值抉擇。本文析論《聊齋》所揭仙鄉∕人境流轉往復的動態進程,除了提挈六朝「劉、阮模式」的多樣演繹,更進而探究情緣、道念如何相持與相拒?如何超越世網纏縛,思辨功名的執守與捨離?乃至生命如何流通、重探自我?藉由仙凡兩端的迂迴辯證及仙凡異境的互融互攝,以彰明其周折婉曲之處所寄寓的人性底蘊及多重啟悟。Many tales in the Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio involve portraits and explorations of the immortal world, where myths, religions, legends, ethics, self-reflections and aesthetics are neatly interwoven. All these themes reveal the author Pu Song-Ling’s imagination, his craving for immortality and the Dao, and his multi-faceted inquiries of life, including love, filial piety, succession of heirs, pursuit of fame and honor, and the dilemma of choosing between immortality and mortality. The present paper is intended to analyze the incessant journeys between the immortal world and the mortal world in the Strange Stories. Employing the Liu-Ruan model of the Six Dynasties, the paper investigates how one deals with his/her sentiments and thoughts of the Dao, how he/she transcends the boundary of the mundane life and contemplates whether to grasp or abandon fame and honor, and how his/her life evolves and explores itself. Through the reciprocal relationship between the immortal world and the mortal world, the Strange Stories sheds light on human nature and realization.34302292 bytesapplication/pdf《聊齋誌異》、仙鄉、人境、道教、辯證(Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio(Liao zhai zhi yi), immortal world, mortal world, Daoism, dialectics)[SDGs]SDG3《聊齋誌異》的仙凡流轉:劉、阮再返之思與情緣道念之辨Crossing between the Immortal World and the Mortal World in the Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio: Reflection on the Return of Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao and Investigation into Sentiments and the Daojournal article10.6281/NTUCL.2013.41.06http://dx.doi.org/10.6281/NTUCL.2013.41.06http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282376/1/0041_201306_6.pdf