2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714819The Department, formally known as School of Medical Technology, was founded in 1956 with the bachelor program only. In 1987 the master program and in 2002 the doctoral program were launched respectively. To further reveal the aim and contribution of the Department in cultivation of talents in laboratory medicine and biotechnology fields, it is renamed to “Department of Clinical Laboratory Science and Medical Biotechnology” in 2005. For past 60 more years, there are over one thousand undergraduates received their bachelor degrees from the Department. Moreover, hundreds of graduate students finished their master training courses, and a total of 40 graduate students accomplished the doctoral program. Currently, there are 126 undergraduates as well as 75 graduate students (58 in master program and 17 in doctoral program) proceeding their academic training courses. Our faculty members, composed of 7 professors, 3 associate professors, 3 assistant professors and 1 teaching assistant, have outstanding performance in biomedical research. In past five years, we have published over one hundred papers in SCI journals, and received several domestic and international patents. FACILITIES -- The Department worked cohesively with other institutes in the College of Medicine and the University Hospital in teaching and research. The core facility includes ultracentrifuge, HPLC, real-time PCR machine, nephelometer, and flow cytometer etc. Each full-time faculty is allocated with a laboratory space for research and graduate students training. In addition, there are four students' laboratories equipped with instruments for undergraduates to conduct experiments of clinical biochemistry, hematology, microbiology, virology, serology, and clinical microscopy. All the internship are performed in the Department of Laboratory Medicine of NTU Hospital, which has state of the art instruments for clinical diagnosis. PROGRAMS -- The Department offers a four-year undergraduate program for students seeking for a degree of Bachelor of Science in medical technology. Students must complete 128 credits of required courses. The freshman, sophomore and junior students will take courses mainly at the main campus and the college of medicine of NTU. Later, senior students will practice at the clinical laboratories of the Department of Laboratory Medicine, NTUH. Graduate Programs -- The aim of the graduate programs is to train graduate students to become leading professionals in medical technology, biotechnology, biomedical research, and laboratory medicine. The Graduate Institute offers a two-to-four year Master program, a minimum of 24 credits of required courses plus thesis leading to the degree of Master of Science; and a two-to-seven year program with a minimum of 18 credits plus thesis leading to the degree of Ph.D. Profession and the fields for advance study -- After complete the undergraduate program and internship, students are eligible to take board examine held by Examination Yuan for Medical Technologist qualification. With the certificate, students can apply the license of Medical Technologist and serve in Clinical Laboratory. The undergraduates of this Department are well trained fully prepared for advance study in the fields in Life Science and Bio-Medical Sciences. The students from the graduate program of the Department are all well-trained for laboratory operation and experimental skills. They can perform very well in all bio-medical industry. Graduates of Ph.D. and Master programs can work in academia such as faculties in colleges or universities, or as researchers in research institutions. They are also well trained for research and development of biotechnology industry, or serve as specialists or managers in companies of in vitro diagnostic industry.本系原名醫事技術學系大學部成立於民國45年,民國76年成立碩士班,民國91年成立博士班;至今已造就一千餘名畢業生,引領及服務於醫學檢驗與生物技術等相關領域。因應時代潮流及產業趨勢民國94年變更為目前系名。 教育目標—大學部培育:全方位醫檢專業、多元思考醫學生物技術專業人才。碩士班培育:高階醫檢專業、多元思考之醫學研究、具研究及實務潛能之醫學生技人才。博士班培育:具獨立、多元思考及創新能力之醫學研究、醫檢生技師資及高階研發、具多元思考之醫檢及醫學生技管理人才。 教學、研究—醫學院、附設醫院教研單位皆密切合作。教員皆有專屬實驗室進行研究及指導研究生。近五年發表百餘篇大部分發表於SCI排名的國內外學術期刊的研究論文。有設備齊全教學專用實驗室,供大學部專業實驗教學。學生實習則由附設醫院檢驗醫學部協助,提供最先進的檢驗設備供學生實習。 課程規劃—大學部修業期間為四年,修畢128學分可獲理學士學位。通識教育、基礎生命科學及基礎醫學課程分別於校總區及醫學院修習,本系教師教授專業課程包括一年級醫技導論,三年級臨床生化、鏡檢、血液學、細菌及黴菌學、病毒學、血清免疫學、生理學及血庫學等;四年級教授各項檢驗實習。研究所碩士修業年限二至四年,需修滿24學分及碩士論文6學分,修業期滿論文考試及格後授予碩士學位。博士修業年限二至七年,最低應修18學分,修業期滿且經資格考試及格、發表論文、博士論文考試及格後,授予博士學位。 就業與進修—大學部畢業生完成實習後,可以參加考試院舉辦「醫事檢驗師」專門技術高等考試,取得證照執行臨床檢驗工作。本系畢業生也適合檢驗醫學及生物技術,以及各基礎醫學相關領域深造進修。畢業生就業可任職於國內外各級公私立醫院、醫事檢驗所、健檢中心、捐血中心,衛服部轄下檢驗相關公務單位。博、碩士學位可擔任教職,研究機構專業研究員,生技產業研發人員,儀器試藥公司專員或經理。Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Medical BiotechnologyAcademic Institute