2010-01-012024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/660594摘要:番茄、番椒、茄子和馬鈴薯等為重要且具有高經濟價值的茄科蔬菜,目前國內的栽種面積共10,966公頃,總產值達40億5千多萬元。茄科蔬菜生長期間常遭受病毒感染,依據國內外文獻記載,可感染番茄和馬鈴薯的病毒種類超過35種,而危害番椒的病毒更高達68種以上,對於茄科蔬菜的生產有極大的影響。為避免具經濟重要性之病毒經由種子、種苗或種薯傳播,造成農民嚴重的損失,因此研發茄科蔬菜重要病毒之快速檢測套組,實有其必要性與急迫性。本計畫將以設計各屬的廣效性(屬專一性)引子對,以及開發multiplex RT-PCR為目標,希望能於植物樣品中同時檢測8屬病毒。所獲得之廣效性引子對可提供國內農企業與農政單位使用,以協助生產健康的茄科蔬菜種子和種苗。<br> Abstract: Tomato, pepper, eggplant and potato are economically important solanaceous vegetables which have 10,966-hectare planting area and the total crop value exceeds 4 billion and 50 millions dollars in Taiwan. Solanaceous vegetables are frequently infected by viruses during the growing season. According to the literatures, there are more than 35 virus species able to invade tomatoes and potatoes and at least 68 virus species can infect peppers. Therefore, the viral diseases have a great impact on the production of these crops. In order to prevent the spread of the viruses through infected seeds, seedlings and tubers, it is crucial to develop the rapid detection kits for the important viruses of solanaceous vegetables. In this project the genus-specific degenerate primes for each of eight virus genera will be designed and tested for their usability. By using these primers and the multiplex RT-PCR, we hope to detect all eight virus genera in the solanaceous vegetables simultaneously. After finishing the project, the genus-specific degenerate primes can be supplied to the industry and government to help the production of virus-free seeds and seedlings of solanaceous vegetables.茄科蔬菜病毒快速檢測套組Solanaceous vegetablesvirusrapid detection kit茄科蔬菜重要病毒之快速檢測套組