工學院: 環境工程學研究所指導教授: 闕蓓德陳建州Chen, Chien-ChouChien-ChouChen2017-03-062018-06-282017-03-062018-06-282015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277161國內四合一回收制度的推展成功,使得廢棄物減量與資源回收成效享譽國際,也促使資源回收產業於國內蓬勃發展,制度中的補貼機制為產業發展的主要推手,為使補貼機制能順利運作,藉由稽核認證作業的輔助與監督,以確保受補貼業者均依法確實妥善回收處理資源回收物品。 目前稽核認證作業模式仍主要仰賴大量人力執行,因此人員執行的完整性對制度能否正常運行影響甚鉅,因於作業中人為操控的比例甚高之因素下,制度施行以來仍不斷地有管理上弊端情事發生。 目前環保署納管的資源回收業者以廢車回收處理業為最多數,而其中廢車粉碎處理業又與其他資源回收材質管理模式較為相近,因此本研究以廢車粉碎處理業為標的,欲將RFID系統導入廢車粉碎處理業的環境管理作業中,以資訊化管理模式減低作業中人為操控因素,提高稽核作業的人員執行的確實度;並藉由無線通訊即時傳輸的特性,立即更新作業所需資訊,確保比對的正確性;另外,利用科技工具縮短現場巡查與後端資訊整理作業的時間,提高資訊彙整的精確性,達到強化管理、縮減成本與降低風險的目的。 經實地測試,藉由RFID系統確實達到原規劃目的,促使人員按照標準逐一查核,不僅提高作業的精確性,並縮減查核時間近20分鐘,減少資料整理、文件運送與訓練的人力耗用成本每年約20萬,RFID系統開發支出約7年半可回收,對於廢車處理業者管理的效益將更遠大於實質成本效益,未來將可藉以推廣至其他各類公告資源回收物,使資源回收體系管理更加完善。Because the four-in-one resource recycling policy was adopted, the waste reduction and the recycling effectiveness in Taiwan have earned international acclaim. It also promotes the development of the recycling industry and the subvention system is absolutely critical. The counseling and supervision of auditing and certification system ensures the smooth operation of the subvention system and it also ensures proper and legal resource recycling and disposal by the firm. The auditing and certification system is strongly dependent on the manpower, so ensuring the auditors carry it out exactly is crucial for this system. For this reason, it brought about some abuses in the management of system. The ELV industry is the most important recycling industry managed by Taiwan EPA, and the management of the ELV shredding plants is similar to other recycling plants. There are therefore reasons to choose the ELV shredding plants for this research and attempt to make use of radio frequency identification for environmental management in ELV shredding plants. To rely on technological man-management to reduce the factors of human activity, and to improve the accuracy in execution. To update the information promptly to ensure correct comparison by the use of wireless communications. To reduce the time of patrol of environmental management and data compilation by the technology. To intensify management, bring costs down and reduce risks. By the field testing, the application of radio frequency identification accomplished the purpose desired. The auditors must check off all the items one by one dependent on standard operation procedure when use of radio frequency identification for environmental management in ELV shredding plant. It improves the accuracy in execution and reduce the time of patrol of environmental management about 20 min. It also reduces in cost from man power by data compilation, transporting and training about two hundred thousand NT dollars. Development of radio frequency identification system can take more than seven and a half years recoup the investment, but the leveraging of radio frequency identification is bigger for environmental management in ELV recycling system. Furthermore, it can apply to other mandatory recyclables to make future recycling system perfectly.6974138 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2022/8/8論文使用權限: 同意無償授權資源回收稽核認證機動車輛無線射頻辨識系統廢車recycleELVRFIDAuditing and CertificationEnvironmental ManagementRFID於廢車粉碎處理廠環境管理作業之應用Application of Radio Frequency Identification for Environmental Management in ELV Shredding Plantsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/277161/1/ntu-104-P01541202-1.pdf