2012-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/677394摘要:本計畫嘗試從反身反思性、他者性,以及氣化感通性,來探討《莊子》的倫理維度。莊子透過反身反思性,開放出面向差異他者的倫理維度。而對於莊子而言,生命的差異性正是立基在氣化流變與氣應感通的基礎上。也因此,正是在氣應感通中,生命的差異與他者性方得保全。而這也說明,在莊子的倫理思維中,面向差異的他者,以及氣應感通之人我互動二者,正是一有機的整體。此外,從氣應感通的倫理性而言,其間又含蘊著深刻的美學意味,這讓莊子的倫理觀,具有美學倫理的特質。上述面向也展現出,莊子的倫理思維,可以對於深受歐洲及英美學界關注的列維納斯他者倫理學做出回應,而這在當今關注倫理問題的時代性中,應當是有價值的跨文化互動。<br> Abstract: The project tries to reveal the ethic dimension of Zhuangzi from the points of reflection, the Other, and the response of chi. Through reflection, Zhuangzi actually broadens the ethic dimension to facing the difference, the Other. To Zhuangzi, the differences of life are on the basis of change and response of chi,and just in such response, the differences of life and the Other have been preserved. So in Zhuangzi’s ethics, facing the difference, the Other, and the interaction between others and I in response of chi are, in fact, an organic wholeness. In addition, the ethic of the response of chi also includes aesthetic significance, which shows up some aesthetic characteristics in Zhuangzi’s ethics. Furthermore, those specific facets of Zhuangzi’s ethics have parallels in Levinas’ ethics of the Other, which is paid high attention by Western academia. That would be a meaningful dialogue between cultures in the modern times, which highlights ethic issues so much.莊子倫理學列維納斯他者差異氣化感通Zhuangzi,ethicsLevinasthe Otherdifferencechi,response反身、他者與氣應:《莊子》哲學中的倫理維度(II-I)