法律學院: 科際整合法律學研究所指導教授: 葉俊榮賈凡逸Chia, Fan-IFan-IChia2017-03-032018-07-102017-03-032018-07-102016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273861隨著人權相關研究的學術發展,原住民族的權利基礎具有「集體權」的特徵,而無法完全使用傳統西方人權的維度加以分析,這點已經受到廣泛肯認,原住民族權利也逐步成為學術研究的熱點之一。然而,即便國內原住民族運動長久以來存在著「泛原住民族主義」與「部落主義」兩大分歧路徑,法學界對於原住民族權利法制化的相關研究卻幾乎未能呼應後者呈現的思維。雖然原住民族自決與自治已經有諸多文獻對此進行探討,絕大多數仍以「泛原住民族主義」作為研究的核心基礎,或縱使更進一步,也僅停留在如魯凱族、阿美族等以「族群」為主的大型框架,「部落」並不是法學研究的關注焦點。本研究認為,部落作為文化最小的單位載體,原住民族自決權的保障與實踐,自然應該以部落為主體,而非從泛原住民族或單一族群的角度進行分析。因此,本研究以「台灣原住民族的部落自決」為研究核心,嘗試顛覆傳統法學研究的取徑,從法律多元主義出發,並結合人類學界對於原住民族族群與部落的觀察,分析國際法、國內法、部落法律等三大系統如何相互交疊、滲透、作用,探討部落自決如何成為可能—或國家如何壓抑部落自決的可能。Along with the accumulating studies on the human rights of indigenous people, it is widely recognized that “collective right” being a basic character of them. Accordingly, the human rights of indigenous people have become a popular theme of academic research. However, even with the two long standing approaches in the indigenous movement in Taiwan, the pan-indigenism and the tribalism, the view of the latter has hardly been shown in the existing law studies. Further, even if some studies concerning self-determination and self-government of indigenous people does focus on “ethnicity”, they don’t go further to discuss “tribe”, while the majority of law studies still take the view of pan-indigenism. This study believes that, instead of taking the view of pan-indigenism or that of a single ethnical group, tribe should be the subject of our analysis, since it is the basic unit of any indigenous group where rights are practiced. Therefore, this study focuses on the self-determination of indigenous people in Taiwan. In order to go beyond the traditional approaches, this study takes the position of legal pluralism, combining it with the existing materials of anthropology studies in Taiwan. The analysis focuses on the overlapping, the penetration and the mechanism of international law, domestic law and tribal law, and it further discusses the possibility of self-determination of tribes, and how the state suppresses such possibility.論文使用權限: 不同意授權法律多元主義族群部落人權原住民族自決legal pluralismethnicitytribehuman rightsindigenous peopleself-determination族群、部落與法律多元:台灣原住民族的部落自決Ethnicity, Tribe and Legal Pluralism: An Investigation of Self-Determination of Tribethesis10.6342/NTU201601299