國?臺灣大學日本語文學系Department of Japanese Language and Literature, National Taiwan University陳明姿2017-09-112018-05-292017-09-112018-05-292007-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282793楊逵是日治時代台灣作家當中最受日本文壇肯定的一位傑出作家,其作品〈送報夫〉早在1934年便獲日本《文學評論》評?第二名,可見他也是一位經得起時空考驗的作家。楊逵自出道至今已歷經幾十年,時代也已改變了,但其作品依然受文壇矚目。然而因其生長的時空背景,其作品也深受日本文學的影響,以無產階級作家出道的楊逵作品亦具有濃郁的日本無產階級文學影子,不過愛鄉愛民的楊逵最關心的仍是台灣及台灣人,因此其作品雖受日本文學的影響,卻具有和日本無產階級文學不同的要素,本文主要透〈送報夫〉探討楊逵的作品如何受容日本無產階級文學,並產生何種變容,希冀藉此一窺楊逵文學的特質。YANG Kuei was the most prominent Taiwanese writer in Japan during Taiwan's Japanese colonial period. His work, The Newspaper Man, has won the second award for the year of 1934, ranked by the famous Japanese magazine Bungaku Hyoron (or Literary Review). Up to today, more than seventy years have passed but his works still attract a lot of attention of this literary field. However, because of the historical backdrop where he grew up, his works were deeply influenced by Japanese literature. As a proletarian writer, his works contain a strong shadow of Japanese proletarian literature. But since YANG Kuei has intensive devotion to his hometown Taiwan and his people, his works have unique characteristics different from Japanese proletarian literature. This paper aims to discuss how YANG's works adopt Japanese proletarian literature, and how they transform from it, by examining his work The Newspaper Man. Through this study, we hope to figure out the characteristics and features of YANG Kuei's works.560872 bytesapplication/pdf送報夫無產階級文學楊逵受容變容The Newspaper Manproletarian literatureYANG Kueiadoptiontransformation楊逵的文學作品對日本文學的受容與變容-以〈送報夫〉為主Adoption and Transformation of Japanese Literature in YANG Kuei's Work: The Newspaper Manjournal article10.6183/ntujp.2007.14.27http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282793/1/0014_200712_2.pdf