護理學系LIN, SHU-CHUNSHU-CHUNLINDAI, YU-TZUYU-TZUDAI林淑君戴玉慈2009-09-132018-07-072009-09-132018-07-072001http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/166042本研究的主要目的為探討「足部護理方案」對增進糖尿病人足部自我照顧知識與行為 的成效。採準實驗研究法,研究對象為某醫學中心之糖尿病病變篩檢門診的病人,共 收得對照組個案51位,實驗組個案51位,年齡為20至81歲。對照組個案依篩檢門診程 序接受治療;實驗組個案除依篩檢門診程序予治療外,另接受「足部護理方案」,包 括個別衛教、告知糖尿病足部病變危險狀態評估結果與個別追蹤。足部護理方案成效 的評估,由研究者使用自擬問卷「足部自我照顧知識測驗」及「足部自我照顧行為量 表」,於實驗處置介入前與實施三至五星期後進行訪談以收集資料。研究結果發現, 實驗組糖尿病人在接受足部護理方案後,足部自我照顧知識與行為上顯著增加,其增 加量也比對照組糖尿病人多。「足部護理方案」確實能夠增進糖尿病人足部自我照顧 知識與行為,本研究可作為護理實務、護理教育與未來研究的參考。 Diabetic patients may develop foot problems which can lead to foot ulcers, foot infection, lower extremity amputation and even death, which consume enormous social resources. Research on foot care is essential to improve the outcome of diabetic care. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of foot care program to promote knowledge and behaviors of self-foot-care for patients with diabetes mellitus. A two-group quasi- experimental design was employed. The subjects were volunteers from the diabetes clinic of a medical center in Taipei. The subjects in this study consisted of 51 diabetic patients in the experimental and comparative group respectively. The age of subjects ranged from 20 to 81 years. The experimental group received a foot care program which included individual foot care education, diabetic foot risk awareness, and individual follow up. The comparative group received routine care at the diabetes clinic. All data were collected by interviewing the patients with a structured questionnaire which was designed by the researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of the foot care program. All data were processed and analyzed using the SPSS for Windows. The results of this study show that patients in the experimental group had acquired significantly more knowledge and behavior of proper self - foot -care after they completed the foot care program. In conclusion, this foot care program was effective in promoting the knowledge and behavior of self -foot -care of diabetic patients. These results can be a reference for future foot care.en-US糖尿病足部自我照顧知識足部自我照顧行為足部護理方案diabetes mellitusknowledge[SDGs]SDG3The Effect of an Intervention Program on Self Care of Foot in Diabetic Patients護理介入方案對糖尿病患者足部自我照顧之成效