2008-04-092024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/664749摘要:東方果實蠅為國內危害相當嚴重的害蟲之一,每年造成數十億的水果損失。目前僅有採用傳統的人力方式計數,既耗時又耗費人力,無法達到有效的即時防治。本年度計畫之工作實行重點在於開發一套全自動化的無線感測器網路系統,應用此系統於東方果實蠅監測,其中包括無線監測網路的硬體建構、終端監控平台的建立和適用於本監測系統之通訊協定設計,並將長期架設於所選樣區內(農試所嘉義分所果園),實際驗證本系統之耐用性、穩定性與強健性。本計畫之研究成果,將是國內首次在蔬果產地佈建以東方果實蠅為監測對象之無線感測器網路,透過無線通訊技術,可即時地監控所選樣區內東方果實蠅的動態棲群密度。配合無線感測器網路的內建氣象因子感測系統,本研究的長期監測資料將可做為後續生態因子探討之依據。對於未來無線感測器網路在害蟲棲群監測的應用上,無論是在佈建、軟硬體設計或分析方法上,將可提供改進的參考資料。使我國之害蟲管理技術正式邁向無線感測器網路時代,同時促進水果產區害蟲測監管理與綜合防治的全面自動化。<br> Abstract: The oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)) is one of the damaging pests in Taiwan, and it damages more than several billion of fruits. At current stage, researchers usually use the labor-intensive traditional ecological monitoring system, but the traditional system was not able to achieve effective prevention. The objective of this project is to develop an automatic wireless sensor network system and apply this system to ecological monitoring of the oriental fruit fly. The work of this project consists of the establishment of the wireless sensor network (WSN) for the oriental fruit fly, including the developing hardware, designing software, and devising protocol. This system will be established in the chosen orchard for long-term monitoring to verify the stability and robustness. The result of this project will be the pioneering research in Taiwan, which deploys the WSN-based ecological monitoring system of the oriental fruit fly in the orchard. The researchers will be able to immediately monitor the variation of migratory density of the oriental fruit fly in the chosen orchard through the wireless communication technology. Besides, the meteorological factors which acquire by this presentational WSN monitoring system will be able to discuss about the following ecological factor. With respect to network deployment, hardware and software design, and analysis method, that will be some important references for improvement on the application of pest monitoring. Moreover, the traditional pest monitoring will be complete replaced by the WSN system in the future, and the WSN technology will achieve automatic pest prevention and improve yield of fruits.無線感測器網路果園害蟲自動化監測系統農業自動化Wireless sensor networksAutomatic monitoring system of orchard pestAgricultural automation農業生產自動化-以WSN技術建構果園害蟲自動化監測系統