2023-02-082024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/661221本計畫預計發展「防砂壩小水力發電潛能評估模組」,並透過完整的產學合作讓技術真正落實成商業服務。第一年為概念驗證階段,將聚焦於建置評估模組,包括:水動力模式、經濟模式、生態水文模式,同時以設計情境進行概念驗證,嘗試回答本計畫的第一個問題:在相同發電量下,小水力電廠能否營造小型人造洪水改善下游生態。第二年設定為服務驗證階段,聚焦於建立服務流程與示範場域,嘗試回答本計畫的第二個問題:私人電廠願不願意為了改善公共環境而調整放流策略,同時為了擴充評估模組的適用範圍,將新增水資源評估模式與最佳化模式。因此,本研究除了以經濟模式評估各場域的發電潛力外,更納入水動力模式與生態水文模式,藉以評估不同的放流(發電)策略,對於當地河川景觀、棲地指標物種的影響,以期在享受潔淨電力供應與循環經濟發展的同時,也能兼顧下游濱溪生態系統的保育。 This research aims to develop the potential evaluation module for small- and micro-hydropower constructed with existing sabo dams. The technology will also be implemented into commercial services through complete industry-university cooperation. The scope of the application contains water resources simulation, a comprehensive assessment model, and a tradeoff optimization model. Therefore, in addition to evaluating the power generation potential of each site with an economic model, this study incorporates a hydrodynamic model and an eco-hydrological model to estimate the impact of different release strategies from power generation on the local riverscape and habitat structure and quality. While appreciating the green power and clean production supply for the development of a circular economy, it can also take into account the conservation of the downstream aquatic ecosystems.小水力發電;防砂壩;生態廊道;經濟評估;權衡最佳化;small hydropower; sabo dam; ecological corridor; economic evaluation; tradeoff optimization防砂壩小水力發電潛能評估模組之開發與技術驗證