2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715320About the NTU College of Social Sciences (COSS) Brief History This historical development of the NTU College of Social Sciences (COSS) is itself an abbreviated history of the research in the social sciences in Taiwan. After the Second World War, the Imperial University was renamed as the National Taiwan University. The former College of Liberal Arts and Political Science was separated into the Colleges of Liberal Arts and College of Law. The College of Law at that time comprised the Department of Law, Political Science, Economics, and Management. After the establishment of the College of Management in 1987 and the College of Law in 1999, the College of Social Sciences was formally incepted in 1999 and developed in to its current structure. Mirroring these organizational changes, our campus was also originally situated in the Hsu-Chow Road campus and finally relocated back to NTU’s main campus and into the new award-winning building in 2014. With the completion of the relocation and new College building, all the COSS departments, graduate institutes, and research centers are now adjacent to each other, allowing stronger partnership and synergy within COSS and with other NTU Colleges. Research Strengths Today, we have four departments, three graduate institutes, and six research centers. We are home to more than 250full-time and adjunct faculty members, and nearly 3,000 students both at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels. Together we strive to create an environment that encourages the flourishing of intelligent ideas, independent scholarship, and academic freedom. We are committed to delivering high-quality research that is relevant to social science debates in Taiwan and that explores innovative perspectives of thinking about and benefitting human societies. We pride ourselves in having many faculty members, students, and alumni who have exerted great impact both in the academic and non-academic contexts. Over the years, COSS has also accumulated a rich body of empirical data and produced a large volume of research with important theoretical and real-world implications. Understanding that our current organization cannot simply cover all the different fields of modern social science research, we make every effort to forge interdisciplinary connections to law, medicine, engineering, the arts and the humanities. Our faculty members are also important contributors to NTU’s General and Liberal Education courses, through which students can learn beyond the boundaries of their respective degree programs. Collaborations are not only established across NTU colleges, but with leading research institutions both domestic and abroad. Through multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional research centers, study groups and partnerships, we are able to push new frontiers and contribute to emerging fields such as neuroeconomics, STS, and East Asia studies. Our six research centers is another example of our commitment to integrate and elevate studies across a broad sweep of social science disciplines. COSS faculty members have published an impressive volume of high-quality academic research papers, books, and the like. These works respond to current and emerging local and global challenges. To further advance leaning, knowledge, and research, NTU’s College of Social Sciences also publishes numerous peer-reviewed academic journals: four international journals include the Pacific Economic Review (PER), Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics (APJAE), Asian Ethnicity, and East Asian Science, Technology, and Society: an International Journal; and four TSSCI journals include the Taiwanese Journal of Political Science, Taiwan Economic Review, Taiwanese Sociology, and NTU Social Work Review. We work hard to ensure the success of these journals, which are all accessible worldwide in print and online. Long-term Objectives NTU’s COSS has built an international reputation and in the future we hope to lead the University’s ambitions to delivering research excellence and becoming a leading academic institution in Asia.人文社會科學的核心價值在於突顯對「他者」及「群體」的關懷,並為人類創造及設計能維護人性尊嚴與福祉的制度,藉由訓練自我瞭解、群我關係、溝通協調、及制度分析等能力,以培育未來制度革新的設計師及社會改革的推手。 臺大社科院肩負國內社會科學發展的領銜任務,同時也是東亞社會科學的研究重鎮。面對多變的全球社會,目前全世界都朝向跨學科整合的方向發展。臺大社科院積極推動跨學門、跨國際的學術研究,更致力於與政府及民間單位合作,協助大學與社會公私部門對話。扮演國內學術、政治及民間,三方對話的溝通平台,進而成為國內最重要的國是論壇。 臺大社科院在行為科學的尖端領域及本土社會的研究上,已有卓越的成績表現。未來除了深化原有的學術專業,也將推以公共服務為導向的學術研究。臺大社科院鼓勵教師將理論與實作結合,以解決國內重大問題為手段,結合政策研究與教學,一方面進行政策建言,也同時訓練未來政府高階文官及技術幕僚。期盼能真實解決臺灣社會的問題。 因應資訊科技時代的發展,臺大社科院也計畫積極推動資料庫的建置與新科技、新方法的應用。例如結合大數據及資訊技術,結合腦神經科學及實驗來推動本土行為研究及華人社會研究。另外也期盼能建立國內觀測民意及社會變化的即時資訊系統,以作為政府擬定政策時的參考依據。 臺大社科院將以培育具跨學科整合能力的研究人才,作為未來的重點發展。臺大社科院也致力於提高國際學人的比例,吸引全球優秀的學生;並與日、韓、港澳、新加坡、大陸等東亞知名大學進行研究生的交換訓練,以增進本土研究人才與國際學術社群接軌。 臺大社科院四個學系及三個研究所的課程也配合時代的需求隨時進行調整,鼓勵課程創新與整合,以符合全球快速的變遷。臺大社科院透院內多元的交流活動,不斷拓展跨系、跨院、跨校、跨國的合作,以解決日趨複雜的且變化迅速的全球重大議題之人才。 臺灣大學在所有華人學術機構中,享有最高的學術自主性與言論自由度,這是引領華人世界學術發展的優勢。無疑的是,現在正是臺大社科院傳承優良傳統,建立新生文化的絕佳契機。College of Social SciencesAcademic Institute