工學院: 土木工程學研究所指導教授: 黃燦輝; 翁孟嘉蔡尚均Tsai, Shang-JyunShang-JyunTsai2017-03-132018-07-092017-03-132018-07-092016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/278163由於順向坡之崩滑機制深受幾何尺度影響,本研究探討規模效應對未砍腳順向坡之重力變形及破壞影響。首先施作不同重力的離心機模型實驗,採用質點影像測速技術 (PIV)分析離心機實驗的位移分佈情形,基於PIV的結果探討邊坡變形和表面沉陷量的關係,接著利用分離元素法 (DEM)之模擬加以驗證,進一步提供不同規模順向坡之詳細裂縫發展情況和破壞機制,以釐清規模效應對順向坡穩定之影響,本研究的結果總結如下: (1) 離心機實驗結果顯示,不同重力下順向坡變形型態相似,但隨著重力增加,邊坡變形程度明顯加劇;(2) 於數值模擬中,提出一修正微觀材料參數之因次關係,能更貼切地模擬不同規模邊坡的實際變形型態;(3) 根據DEM模擬幾何形狀相同,但尺度不同之邊坡,當邊坡越高將產生更多的裂縫和位移量,導致大量的崩滑體積;(4) 針對實際案例-嘉義潮州湖地區,利用分離元素法模擬邊坡的變形及運動過程,有助於瞭解該地區之坡地災害潛勢。Due to sliding mechanism of consequent slope is affected by scale effect. This study investigates scale effect on the gravitational deformation of non-daylight consequent slopes. First of all, a series of centrifuge modeling tests were performed.Then, particle image velocimetry (PIV) was adopted to evaluate the displacement distribution from the results of centrifuge tests. Based on the results of PIV, the relationship between slope deformation and surface settlement was investigated. Subsequently, the discrete element method (DEM) was used for simulations to provide a detailed description of the crack development and failure mechanisms associated with consequent slopes at different scales.To clarify the stability influence of certain dip slopes at different scales. The results of this study are summarized as follows. (1) The consequent slopes exhibit a similar deformation pattern in centrifuge tests. As the gravitational force increases, the magnitude of slope deformation increases significantly; (2) A modified dimensional relationship of material parameters was proposed in DEM simulation. Based on the relationship, the simulated deformed patterns were in strong agreement with the actual deformation at various slope scales; (3) According to DEM simulation, for the slopes with the same slope and weak plane angles, more cracks and displacements generate in the higher slope, leading to a greater sliding volume; (4) Fot the actul case- Chiayi Chaozhou, using the discrete element method to study the sliding, movement that helps to underatand the slope of potential disasters in this region.11468074 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/8/2論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)順向坡規模效應分離元素法地工離心機consequent slopescale effectdiscrete element methodgeological centrifuge.順向坡變形之規模效應研究-以離心機實驗與分離元素法探討A Study of Scale Effect on Dip-Slope Deformation Using Centrifuge Test and Distinct Element Methodthesis10.6342/NTU201601548http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/278163/1/ntu-105-R03521130-1.pdf