洪伯廷2006-07-262018-07-122006-07-262018-07-121999http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/26702(I) Prevalence of PACG and its blindness are increasing from increasing world geriatric population, and socio-economic ievelopment. Current diagnostic criteria is introduced, emphasizing ocular image studies, by stereo photographic study of optic nerve, and Ascan ultrasonography. A screen procedure is proposed. The risk/benefit ratio is also emphasized for early treatment of PACG. (II) In this study, we tested the effectiveness of latanoprost as an intraocular pressure (lOP) lowering agent in cases of residual PACG. Twenty-six eyes of 26 PACG patients with persistently elevated lOP after iridectomy, despite treatment with conventional TOP lowering drugs (beta blockers and pilocarpine) were included. Latanoprost (¡¥.005%, one drop daily, was added adjunctively to all eyes. The TOP decreased by about 21% (p < 0.005) during the first 3 months, and showed a rec.uction of about 36% at the end of 1 year. At the 1-year follow up, the JO? was well controlled (below 20 mmHg) in all eyes. These findings show that, in combination with beta blockade and pilocarpine, latanoprost can ameliorate residual PACG.本研究的目的為明瞭原發性隅角閉鎖• 性青光眼的現況與隅角問放姓青光眼的比較,考慮現今臨,表診斷的標準, ,從流行病學上 包括視神經的變 化,並提出一系統化的流行病學的步驟。另一方面,則由於國人罹息本病,雖然經雷射虹膜切除,仍繼續進行,引發視神經之萎縮,以及眼壓之增高, 因此從事最近新藥之藥物治療追蹤一年,26 眼26 名由於各種藥物仍眼壓控制不良 控制本症的經驗。本實驗仍針對、視神經繼續惡化病人一年之追 蹤,需要手術之病人,使用新藥LatanoProst 0.005 % ,改善上脈絡膜之途徑,排出房水,降低眼壓,獲得一年追蹤成功之實驗。application/pdf925620 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學醫學院眼科PACGprevalenceoptic nerve atrophydrugs原發性隅角閉鎖姓青光眼流行病學視神經變化藥物行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計劃成果報告:原發性隅角閉鎖性青光眼的研究journal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/26702/1/882314B002370.pdf