林嘉明臺灣大學:環境衛生研究所鐘元佑Chung, Yuan-YouYuan-YouChung2007-11-282018-06-302007-11-282018-06-302004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/59753本研究在三棟不同特性但位於特定區域內的建築物,探討八種揮發性有機化合物 (pentane、butyl acetate、acetone、ethyl acetate、toluene、ethyl benzene、xylene、1,2,4-trimethylbenzene) 在室内、外濃度的變化,及人體暴露的評估。將揮發性有機化合物依可能的主要來源分為人呼出氣體者、室內排放者、室外滲入者三大群組。參考NIOSH Method 1500,以100mg /50 mg標準活性炭管,在流率為200 mL /min下,採樣七個小時後,以GC/MS分析。 在室內揮發性有機化合物的濃度調查發現,本研究假設之揮發性有機化合物室內排放源佔了室內揮發性有機化合物總濃度的9.74%,人呼出氣體者佔了39.58%,而比例最高的則為50.68%的室外滲入來源。作為人呼出氣體之化學物種的acetone,在有人的房間,平均濃度會高於室外,反之則否,但濃度與室內的人數之間無法建立一致的線性關係,另一個人呼出氣體的代表ethyl acetate卻顯示了明顯的相關性;作為室內排放源釋放的化學物種,分析的結果,室內濃度比室外濃度低,認為汽、機車亦有排放pentane等化合物,且濃度勝於室內污染源的釋出;室外滲入之化學物種,室外的濃度皆大於室內,以toluene濃度最高,該等化學物種室外對室內的濃度關係為正相關 (r2為0.6829,p < 0.05)。 在同一棟建築物低樓層 (1樓) 室內所見,汽、機車排放之揮發性有機化合物濃度比高樓層 (14樓) 的濃度高出有2到4倍之多。就1樓採樣點作比較,鄰近主要幹道的建築物內之汽、機車排放的揮發性有機化合物濃度比鄰近次要道路的建築物高出了有2、3倍之多。又開窗時室內揮發性有機化合物濃度比不開窗的濃度低了1倍。而在此特定區域內的建築,各化合物暴露量在0.30∼69.13μg /m3之間,而危害商數在此區域的建築計算顯示,並沒有任一商值超過1,表示健康危害在此一研究中並不明顯。 因此現階段可以說如果通風量小、鄰近道路車流量多、且位於1樓最接近道路的辦公場所,其內部的辦工人員所暴露到由汽、機車排放的揮發性有機化合物濃度就會比較高。This study assessed the indoor and outdoor levels of eight VOCs, pentane, butyl acetate, acetone, ethyl acetate, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene and 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene in three office buildings. The eight VOCs were classified into three groups in terms of their sources, namely the human bioeffluent, the indoor sources and the outdoor sources. The VOCs were sampled by using a 100mg/50mg charcoal tube at flow rate of 200 mL/min for 7 hours, then dissolved in CS2 and analyzed by GC/MS. The VOCs from the indoor sources, the bioeffluent and the outdoor sources accounted for 9.74%, 39.58% and 50.68% of the total indoor VOCs, respectively. The indoor level of acetone, one of the compounds in human bioeffluent was greater than that of outdoor, once a room was occupied by people. However, the consistent linear relationship between the level and person-hour was not found. The level of ethyl acetate, another compound in human bioeffluent, was significantly associated with the person-hour. For the compounds grouped as the indoor source, their outdoor levels were less. To the group of compounds identified as the outdoor source, especially toluene, the indoor level was significantly associated with the outdoor level (r2 = 0.6829, p < 0.05). The indoor levels of the compounds including toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene in the first floor were two to four times higher than those in the fourteenth floor. The levels of these compounds around the buildings facing a main road were two to three times higher than those around the buildings facing a subsidiary road. In addition, these compounds leveled down to one half as a window was open. On the whole exposure concentrations in the studied buildings ranged from 0.30 to 69.13 μg/m3. The total hazard quotient was less than 1 as the risk was estimated according to the exposure scenario at office time. In conclusion, people working in a room located at the low floors of a building which is close to a main road and has a bad ventilation system as well are likely exposed to a greater level of automobile emission compounds.目 錄 摘 要 I ABSTRACT III 表 目 錄 IX 圖 目 錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的 2 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2.1 病態大廈症候群 3 2.2 揮發性有機化合物 4 2.3 揮發性有機化合物毒性作用與健康危害 6 2.4 揮發性有機化合物室內、外濃度比較 7 2.5 揮發性有機化合物之暴露風險 8 第三章 材料與方法 9 3.1 環境測量對象 9 3.2 環境測量時間 10 3.3 中央空調系統 10 3.4 環境測量方法 12 3.4.1 二氧化碳、溫度、濕度的測量 12 3.4.2 總揮發性有機化合物的測量 13 3.4.3 特定揮發性有機化合物的採樣分析 14 採樣方法 14 樣本處理 15 分析方法 15 檢量線配置 16 儀器偵測極限 18 萃取回收率 18 3.5 暴露的評估與風險的推估 19 3.5.1 暴露參數的設定 21 3.5.2 暴露劑量的推估 23 3.5.3 危害商數的計算 25 3.6 資料處理 26 第四章 結果 27 4.1 揮發性有機化合物分析之品管 27 4.2 室內揮發性有機化合物的來源推測 27 4.3 揮發性有機化合物室內、外濃度的比較 28 4.4 影響揮發性有機化合物室內、外濃度的因素 28 4.4.1 微環境所在大樓高度的影響 28 4.4.2 週日及週末的影響 29 4.4.3 建築物所在位置的影響 30 4.4.4 室外汽、機車排放對室內濃度之影響 31 4.4.5 濃度的時間序變化 31 4.4.6 人與人呼出氣體所含物種濃度之關係 32 4.5 環境濃度暴露結果 33 第五章 討論 35 5.1 室內、外揮發性有機化合物濃度之相關探討 35 5.2 樓層高度與揮發性有機化合物濃度的關係 37 5.3 ACETONE及ETHYL ACETATE的來源 38 5.4 揮發性有機化合物暴露 39 參考文獻 64 附 錄 72en-US揮發性有機化合物室內外人呼出氣體暴露量室內空氣VOCsindoor/outdoorbioeffluentexposure value?都會地區辦公場所微環境揮發性有機化合物的暴露VOCs Exposure in Urban Office Microenvironmentthesis