2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715142Graduate School of Advanced Technology (GSAT), National Taiwan University (NTU) is established according to the “Industry-University Cooperation and Talent Cultivation and Innovation in Key Fields Act” passed by the Legislative Yuan to support the advancement of industries of key focus to our country, gain a core position in the global supply chain and become an essential base for next-generation technologies. NTU establish GSAT with a view to supporting the country's long-term talent cultivation policy, addressing concerns over talent shortages raised by Taiwan industries, and strengthening technological advantage in key fields, such as semiconductors. To that end, NTU GSAT differs from current NTU colleges and departments in renewing various laws/regulations, and granting flexible operation for matters such as organization, personnel, procurement, finance/expenditure, and property management. The goals of GSAT include ● Establish a public-private co-education, co-creation, and co-prosperity mechanism between academia and industry. ● Closely link schools and industries, so that academic research and industrial technology development go hand-in-hand. ● Cultivate high-quality talents who can lead academic research and innovation, and drive industrial development.國立臺灣大學重點科技研究學院係依據立法院審議中之「國家重點領域產學合作及人才培育創新條例」所成立,希能促進我國重點領域產業發展,取得全球供應鏈之核心地位,成為下一個世代科技之重要基地。 臺灣大學基於全國頂尖大學之社會責任、配合國家長期人才發展策略、因應產業界人才短缺,並期待能強化重點科技領域優勢而成立本學院;因此,與現行其他院系所單位不同,於組織、人事、財務、採購及人才培育等事項皆具彈性運作空間。 本學院宗旨如下: ● 建立學術界與產業界之間公私共育共創共榮之機制。 ● 緊密連結學校與產業,期學術研究與產業技術發展攜手並進。 ● 培育能夠引領學術研究創新,帶動產業發展之高階人才。Graduate School of Advanced TechnologyUniversity College