電機資訊學院: 電機工程學研究所指導教授: 陳永耀劉志詳Liu, Zhi-XiangZhi-XiangLiu2017-03-062018-07-062017-03-062018-07-062016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276228在凝視偵測系統當中,主要目標為估計使用者之凝視點在螢幕座標系上之座標位置,凝視點估計之準確性深受使用者的頭部位移與操作距離所影響,本論文當中使用了新的系統環境配置以及演算法來補償遠距離凝視點估計之誤差,本論文中有兩項新穎之部分,第一,利用多個近紅外光光緣之系統配置,產生出多個座標轉換函式來補償凝視點估計之誤差,第二,從多個座標轉換函式當中挑選出最佳的座標轉換函式之演算法。 整個系統的操作是首先經由外部攝影機來拍攝使用者之眼睛影像,再藉由此眼睛影像去偵測出瞳孔中心點在影像當中的座標,並且外部會有多個近紅外光之光源,藉由這些光源在眼睛上面產生反光點,並以這些角膜反光點當成是參考點,並且偵測此參考點在影像上面之座標,然而影像上的瞳孔中心點與各個參考點皆能形成一個向量,並利用此向量經由座標轉換得到使用者在螢幕上之凝視點位置,在實驗結果呈現本論文之方法比單顆紅外線光源之系統配置有更好的表現,並且在凝視點估計的實驗結果呈現出其平均誤差為0.54度,標準差0.48度,處理速度0.78 fps。In gaze estimation, the principal purpose is estimating coordinate of user’s gaze point on screen coordinate system. Accuracy of gaze point is depend on user’s head movement and working distance. In this thesis, proposing a long distance gaze estimation system configuration and algorithm for gaze point error compensation. Our research is novel in the following two ways: first, the multiple near-infrared illuminators configuration to generate several mapping functions for compensating gaze point error. Second, the algorithm for choosing the best mapping function in several mapping functions. The system works as follows. Firstly, capture user’s eye images by external camera and estimate the coordinate of pupil center in eye images. There are also several near infrared illuminators in front of the user for generating corneal reflections to be reference points on user’s eyes. After that, calculate the coordinate of corneal reflection points in eye images and the vector between pupil center and each corneal reflection point as an input of a mapping function which from the eye image coordinate system to screen coordinate system. After mapping, we will obtain the user’s gaze point on the screen coordinate system. Experiment results showed the performance of our proposed is better than single near-infrared illuminator configuration and the system mean gaze error is 0.54°, standard deviation is 0.48° and processing speed is 0.78fps.3393863 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/30論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)遠距離凝視偵測瞳孔中心點偵測角膜反射座標映射函式系統配置remote gaze estimationpupil center extractioncorneal reflectioncoordinate mapping functionsystem configuration以補償凝視點估計誤差之新穎遠距離凝視估計系統配置及演算法A Novel Configuration and Algorithm of Long Distance Gaze Estimation System for Gaze Point Error Compensation.thesis10.6342/NTU201602893http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276228/1/ntu-105-R03921063-1.pdf