2019-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/694937背景:瑜珈是一門非傳統的體育課程,依據教學現場的實際觀察,多數學生普遍對於瑜珈廣泛的內涵與促進身心健康的技巧一無所知,使得缺乏背景知識成為影響學習成效的因素之一。身體覺察能力指個體對身體狀況知覺了解的程度,涵蓋生理與心理的層次,為學習瑜珈之關鍵,亦為瑜珈課程重要的學習成效指標。基於目前國內高等教育的瑜珈課程皆偏向動作技能的學習,本研究試圖規劃書籍教材閱讀為部分的教學活動,藉此增加學生的瑜珈背景知識,探討書籍教材閱讀輔助瑜珈課程培養身體覺察能力的學習成效。 目的:比較有無接受書籍教材閱讀的學生其身體覺察能力變化的差異。 方法:採用準實驗設計的不等組前後測設計( nonequivalent groups pretest-posttest design),以隨機分派的方式針對實施相同教學計劃的兩個班次分為實驗組(書籍教材閱讀介入)及控制組(無書籍教材閱讀介入),於修習課程前、後,透過問卷調查學生的身體覺察能力,另於學期末以焦點團體訪談蒐集學生的學習經驗,問卷資料將使用共變數分析比較兩組身體覺察能力指標變化的差異。 預期結果:學生可藉由書籍教材閱讀習得瑜珈課程範疇相關的背景知識,提高瑜珈練習所需的身體覺察能力,提昇學習成效,獲得身心健康促進的實質經驗,強化未來繼續學習瑜珈的意願。 Background : Based on the actual on-site observation, yoga is an unconventional physical education course that most of the students have no knowledge of its comprehensive content and techniques to promote physical and mental health; making the lack of background knowledge the factors to affect the learning. Physical awareness refers to the degree of an individual knows about his/her own physical condition; it is the key to yoga learning and also the important indicator for yoga course. This study attempts to use reading materials to increase students’ background knowledge on yoga in assisting the original teaching activity, through which to explore the learning effect of reading materials assisted yoga course in cultivating the ability in physical awareness. Purpose : This study intends to compare the difference in students’ ability of physical awareness whether or not receiving the reading materials assistance. Method : This study adopts the nonequivalent groups pretest-posttest design of quasi-experimental design, targeting two groups that receive the identical teaching plan. The two groups are divided into experimental group (with the intervention of reading materials) and control group (without the intervention of reading materials). Questionnaires will be distributed to evaluate the ability change on physical awareness before and after the course. Students’ learning experience will be collected through focus interview. ANCOVA will be used to compare the posttest difference of the two groups’ ability in physical awareness. Expected Results: Students could learn relevant yoga background knowledge through reading materials to elevate the physical awareness ability that is required in yoga practice and promote the learning effect; that they could gain the practical experience to promote the physical and mental health so as to increase the willingness in continuing the yoga learning.體育課程、瑜珈、身心健康、教材閱讀、身體覺察physical education, yoga, mind-body health, reading materials, physical awareness探討書籍教材閱讀輔助瑜珈課程培養身體覺察能力之學習成效=Investigate the learning effect of reading materials assisted yoga course in cultivating the ability of physical awareness