2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714753Brief History The Department of History is one of the major institutions for historical research in Taiwan, with an international reputation for its high standard of teaching and research. It was founded in 1928 by the Japanese colonial government as a part of the Taipei Imperial University and was reorganized as the Department of History, National Taiwan University in 1945. Since then, it has grown to be a leading center of teaching and research in history in East Asia. At present, the Department of History has 27 full-time and a number of part-time faculty members. They are specialized on Taiwanese, Chinese, East Asian and European histories, offering courses and supervision on a wide range of historical subjects spanning from the ancient times to the twentieth century. The Department offers regular undergraduate lectures and postgraduate seminars. It also organizes a number of open lectures, special seminars and workshops for faculty members, visiting scholars and postgraduates to present their researches and exchange their views. The Department of History has access to plentiful academic resources and facilities to support teaching and advanced research. The NTU Main Library is immensely rich in collections on Chinese history and archives on Taiwanese history. Recently, it has also increased its holdings on European history and electronic resources. Further resources can also be easily accessible in metropolitan and county archives. All these make the Department an excellent center for historical research. Research Outlook The Department of history has always been active in research work and forward looking in developing new fields of study. Chinese history has been the major field of teaching and research since 1945. With the rising of Taiwanese identity in the 1980s, the history of Taiwan has gradually become a hot field of research. After 1990s, in response to the call for globalization, the teaching and research in world history has also played an increasingly important part in the Department of History. Currently postgraduate supervision is available in most areas of Chinese history, Taiwanese history and modern European history. The Department of History has developed new strategy to face the new challenges of the 21th century. To coordinate and strengthen the teaching and research capacities, the Department of history set up a new system of “Instruction and Research Platforms” in 2008. It includes five platforms: “History of Cultural Exchange,” “Taiwan and Asia-Pacific Studies,” “Medieval and Early Modern Chinese History,” “Chinese Intellectual history” and “Modern Chinese History.” These platforms, each composed of several faculty members, have yielded an abundance of solid research results.臺灣大學歷史學系創立於1928年,至今八十餘年。位置主要在文學院二樓東側。本系始自日本殖民政府所設置的臺北帝國大學文政學部史學科,是臺灣第一個大學歷史學教研機構。至1945年日本戰敗,臺北帝大史學科階段雖只歷17年,但中國史、西洋史與日本史領域皆有名師坐鎮,已具規模。1945年11月,本系改制為臺灣大學史學系,後再更名為歷史學系。在此政權交替之際,原史學科教員離臺返日,一批由中國大陸渡海來臺的史學家至本系任教。這批史學家成為一時之選的優秀學者,將近代中國的史學方法與成果移植至臺灣,成為本系的珍貴傳統。 50年代的外在局勢對學術發展有諸多不利,本系靠名師坐鎮,在尚稱安定的環境展開教研活動,並謹守學術分寸。60年代後期,開始有海外留學歸來的學者投入教師陣營,本系也開辦博士班培育高級教研人才,這些都為臺灣史學界注入新能量,並開創新領域。於此同時,國內歷史系所亦競相設立,各有其特色與優勢,與本系既相互合作又良性競爭,促使臺灣史學有了新的榮景。 戰後以來,中國大陸史家渡海來臺,本系在中國史與西洋史領域,名家輩出。本系一直是中國史研究的重鎮,但西洋史研究則因受外在環境限制,多年來較難大幅開展。自上世紀80年代中期後,本系受益於臺灣政經環境改善的外在條件,史學研究更趨多元化。在西洋史(以歐洲史為主)領域,師資大幅擴充,且是自歐美學成歸國的傑出學者。圖書資源也是國內首屈一指。另一獲長足發展的是臺灣史,本系是臺灣首先開設臺灣史課程的大學歷史系。80年代後期以來,因外在環境的改善與學生興趣的提升,臺灣史研究蓬勃發展,與中國史、西洋史鼎足而立。邁入二十一世紀,研究氣象日新月異,本系也重視亞洲史研究,成果指日可待。 本系設有學士班、碩士班及博士班。碩士班與博士班分別設立於1957、1967年,皆為國內歷史教育機構之創舉,目前採系所合一的制度。本系目前專任教師約三十名。本系強調中國史、世界史與臺灣史三大領域均衡發展。現況則是中國史之教師約佔一半,另一半則分屬臺灣史與世界史(以歐洲史為主)。HistoryAcademic Institute