荷世平臺灣大學:土木工程學研究所謝承翰Hsieh, Cheng-HanCheng-HanHsieh2007-11-252018-07-092007-11-252018-07-092007http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/50586水泥及水泥製品一直是最重要的建材而和營建產業的關聯性很大。然而由於這兩種產業在製造過程中亦會產業大量的污染,而會受到政府與民眾的管制,其受到社會經濟情況的影響亦很可觀。 很多經濟學者對於廠商區位選擇的行為,提出污染避風港假說(Pollution Haven Hypothesis)、群聚效應(Agglomeration Effects)等理論,接著實證分析何種因素會影響到廠商的區位選擇行為(J. Vernon Henderson, 1994; Tim Jeppesen et. al., 2002; Smita B. Brunnermeier et. al., 2004) 。 因此本研究利用經濟部工業局的登記核准營業工廠資料來實證研究於民國87~94年期間在全台本島22縣市(不含外島)的水泥與水泥製品業區位選擇行為。而本研究中所探討影響區位選擇的因素包含了: 1. 工業區面積:用來衡量群聚效應與廠商的可行設廠面積多寡。 2. 重大公共建設:包含了高鐵與捷運。 3. 環境管制強度:包含政府管制與民眾管制,用來實證「污染避風港假說」。 4. 社會經濟情況:包含人口密度、國民所得、以及教育程度。 5. 基礎交通設施:包含了國際商港、道路密度。 然而工廠的登記核准家數為正整數,並且呈現大多數的觀測量是屬於少數事件或是零。因此本研究採取計量經濟學(Econometrics)中的卜瓦松迴歸分析(Poisson Regression Analysis)來分析(Michael H. Kutner et. al., 2005)。 最後,本研究發現到: 1. 工業區面積:其劃分會因為群聚效應與提供廠商的可行設廠選址地點數量而有正向的影響。 2. 重大公共建設:高鐵工程對於廠商區位選擇會有正向的影響。 3. 環境管制:雖然水泥與水泥製品業是高污染工業,但對於廠商區位選擇無負面影響。 4. 社會經濟情況:由於人口密度、國民所得、教育程度三者高度相關,因此可以代表「都市化程度」與「民眾管制力量」。而對於廠商區位選擇會有負面的影響,尤其是教育程度。 5. 交通設施:因為一些原物料是從國外進口和其他原因,因此國際商港的設置對於廠商區位選擇有正向的影響,但只有在台灣西部地區。雖然道路密度可以代表交通情況,但是卻和「社會經濟條件」也有高度相關,因此其影響和社會經濟情況的影響是類似的。 在都市化的地區也許會有許多重大公共建設而促進產業與都市發展。然而,在都會化的城市,會出現民眾較為注重環境品質、地價昂貴、可行的設廠地點較少等情況;而這些情況對於廠商的區位選擇會有負面的影響。如果重大建設與工廠設在鄉下地區,雖然可行的設廠地點較多且地價便宜,並且又能促進經濟發展;然而卻也可能因此破壞環境品質。 因此,要如何平衡經濟發展與環境品質以達到「永續發展」是一個重要的課題。Cement and cement products are always the most important architecture and civil engineering materials and highly correlated with construction industry. However, these industries also emit much pollution, they may be environmental regulated by governments and public people, and they may be influenced by the social and economic conditions. Many economists have introduced “Pollution Haven Hypothesis”, “Agglomeration Effects”, and so forth, for explaining location behaviors; and then empirical studied what kind of factors would influence the location behaviors (J. Vernon Henderson, 1994; Tim Jeppesen et. al., 2002; Smita B. Brunnermeier et. al., 2004). Thus, this study used the new-registration factories for Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs to empirical study the location behaviors for cement and cement product manufacturing industries in Taiwan (excluded Penghu C., Kinmen C., and Lengchiang C.). The factors that influence the location behaviors include: 1. Industrial District Area: For measuring agglomeration effects and possible sites for industries. 2. Important Public Constructions: Including high-speed railway and mass rapid transits. 3. Environmental Regulation Stringency: Including formal regulations and informal regulations, for empirical studying the “Pollution Haven Hypothesis”. 4. Social and Economic Conditions: Including population density, per capita. income, and education degree. 5. Transportation Facilities: Including international commercial ports, and road density. However, the number of new-registration factories is an integer, and large-count outcomes being rare events or zero. Thus, this study used the Econometrics methods- Poisson Regressions Analysis to analyze (Michael H. Kutner et. al., 2005). Finally, this study found: 1. Industrial District Areas: They have positive effects on the location behaviors for agglomeration effect and possible sites for industries. 2. Important Public Constructions: They have positive effects on the location behaviors, especially the high-speed railway. 3. Environmental Regulations: Although the cement and cement product manufacturing industries are high pollution industries, the environmental regulations may have no negative effects on the location behaviors. 4. Social and Economic Conditions: Because the population density, per capita. income, and education degree are highly correlated, they can represent the “Urbanization Degree” and “Informal Regulation”. Thus, they have negative effects on the location behaviors, especially for the education degree. 5. Transportation Facilities: Because some materials are imported from foreign countries, the international commercial ports have significant positive effect on the location behaviors but only in Western Taiwan. Although the road density may represent the traffic conditions, the road density is also highly correlated with “Social and Economic Conditions”; its effect is similar to social and economic conditions. Maybe there are many important public constructions in the urbanization cities and then accelerate the developments for industries and urbanization cities; however, in the urbanization cities, the people may also more regard for the environmental quality, the land price is more expensive, and the possible sites for industries are less, and so forth. These conditions would have negative effects on the location behaviors for industries. However, if the important public constructions and industries are located in the rural regions, maybe there will be many possible sites to be located, the land price is cheap, these constructions, and industries may accelerate the economic developments; however, these constructions and industries may also destroy the environmental quality. Thus, it is an important issue that how to balance the economic developments and environmental qualities in order to “Sustainable Develop”.口試委員審定書 I 誌謝 II 中文摘要 IV ABSTRACT VI CONTENTS IX LIST OF FIGURES XI LIST OF TABLES XII CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 BACKGROUNDS 1 1.2 MOTIVATIONS 4 1.3 OBJECTIVES 8 1.4 SCOPES 9 1.5 ORGANIZATIONS 12 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 14 2.1 CEMENT AND CEMENT PRODUCT MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES 14 2.2 LOCATION BEHAVIORS 16 2.3 POLLUTION HAVEN HYPOTHESIS 19 CHAPTER 3 EMPIRICAL MODEL AND DATA SOURCES 21 3.1 EMPIRICAL MODEL 21 3.2 DATA SOURCE AND PROCESS 22 3.2.1 FACTORY DATA 22 3.2.2 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT AREA 24 3.2.3 IMPORTANT PUBLIC CONSTRUCTIONS 26 3.2.4 ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS (POLLUTION HAVEN HYPOTHESIS) 29 3.2.5 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 32 3.2.6 TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 33 3.2.7 YEAR DUMMY VARIABLES 36 3.2.8 DATA DESCRIPTIONS AND SOURCES 37 CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS 40 4.1 THE DISTRIBUTION OF NEW-REGISTRATION FACTORIES 40 4.2 EMPIRICAL RESULTS 42 4.3 CASE STUDY 52 4.3.1 HSR CONSTRUCTION 58 4.3.2 MRT CONSTRUCTION 61 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 67 5.1 CONCLUSIONS 67 5.2 FUTURE RESEARCH SUGGESTIONS 69 REFERENCES 72 簡歷 76582410 bytesapplication/pdfen-US水泥與水泥製品追蹤資料區位選擇行為污染避風港假說群聚效應Cement and Cement ProductPanel DataLocation BehaviorPollution Haven HypothesisAgglomeration Effect[SDGs]SDG8[SDGs]SDG11水泥及水泥製品業區位選擇行為之實證研究The Empirical Study of the Location Behaviors for Cement and Cement Product Manufacturing Industriesthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/50586/1/ntu-96-R94521702-1.pdf