臺灣大學: 地理環境資源學研究所張長義廖宜雰Liao, Yi-FenYi-FenLiao2013-03-212018-06-282013-03-212018-06-282010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/247999永續的理念隨著永續發展意識高漲而成為地方發展的重要考量,生態旅遊常成為國內地方社區實踐永續社區營造的方式。本研究即探討以生態旅遊為策略之原住民社區其發展之潛力與問題,以墾丁國家公園內之社頂部落為研究個案,透過深度訪談與參與觀察,梳理與歸納其生態旅遊發展歷程後,檢視其生態旅遊運作之機制,進而探討分析社頂部落當前以生態旅遊作為部落營造策略之機會與挑戰,希冀藉此研究個案經驗作為其他原住民部落未來發展之借鏡。 本研究中首先歸納社頂生態旅遊機制,分析政府單位、輔導團體、地方部落和遊客四種權益關係人。在瞭解社頂部落執行生態旅遊之現況並分析其具永續經營潛能之條件後,再進而討論未來持續營運之優勢與弱勢。研究結果顯示,社頂部落最大機會在於部落居民對環境保育與永續概念的認知轉變,成功地建立與國家公園合作的模範。然而,社頂部落依然面臨青壯人口流失的問題,以及其在參與自然資源管理中的權限不足而影響保育效果。因此,本研究進一步建議地方社區應從整體環境檢視自身當前條件,並適時調整經營管理方法以落實地方永續發展。Local communities in Taiwan have taken sustainability as an important element of community’s reconstruction. For most villages located in natural areas, setting ecotourism into action is a common means to seek long-term local development. In view of that, this research explores the opportunities and challenges of taking ecotourism as a development strategy in indigenous tribes. The research takes as an example the Shir-Ding community located in Kenting National Park, setting research goals including understanding the community’s recent circumstances of operating ecotourism, as well as finding out the important stakeholders in its interacting system of ecotourism. Then by analyzing both potentiality and dilemmas at present in Shir-Ding, this research desires to give practical suggestions to other communities which also are eager for sustainable development and permanent management. Through studying the case of Shir-Ding community, we find that in the case are 4 stakeholders, including government, assistant group, tribal organization and local people, and tourists. Besides the fine interaction between stakeholders, some key factors also reflect the success of achieving sustainable goals in Shir-Ding, such as the accompanying by assistant groups, the systematize empowerment, creative methods for effecting sails and the emphasis on controlling environmental capacity. Though the Shir-Ding possesses some advantages in developing ecotourism, it is facing several difficult problems include the preference by young members to work outside the community, and the lack of concrete power in policy decision and resource management. Hence, in further suggestion we assume that in spite of adopting ecotourism as an effective method to pursue sustainable development at the local level, local communities (tribes) should still self-examine to ensure that they are on the right path to reach their goals, and should also simultaneously think about themselves in holistically in order to carry out true sustainable development.2412301 bytesapplication/pdfen-US永續發展生態旅遊部落營造社頂部落墾丁國家公園Sustainable developmentecotourismtribal developmentShir-Ding communityKenting National Park[SDGs]SDG8[SDGs]SDG14以生態旅遊為部落營造策略之機會與挑戰—以墾丁國家公園社頂部落為例Opportunities and Challenges of Taking Ecotourism as a Tribal Development Strategy — a case study of Shir-Ding Community in Kenting National Parkthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/247999/1/ntu-99-R97228002-1.pdf